Behind Closed Doors

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A.N. This chapter does have slight spoilers for Captain Marvel, so if you would like you can skip over it. It's mainly just Fury introducing Natasha to the idea of the Avengers Initiative. Also, sorry for how short this is, but I just didn't think that it would go well with the last chapter.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"You do know that you will have to tell Agent Barton about your situation at some point?" Fury said once we were both sure that Clint and Coulson were out of earshot.

"It's my choice though, how did you even know about it. I know that it's not on any of my files?" Red Room was good at covering its tracks when it came to possibly (definitely) unethical medical procedures.

"Doctors tend to find it suspicious when there are fewer organs in an operating area than there should be."

"Well, thank you, sir, for letting me keep this secret."

"I've been called cold, but I promise that I'm not heartless. Now, what is this information that you think you need to tell me about?"

"I will tell you, that's pretty patchy, but I was scared if I dug any deeper, I would trigger an avalanche I didn't really want to deal with."

"What have you found out about the ghost?"

"The ghost has a name, the Winter Solider. That's not the oddest part though, he's been active for almost forty years, with possible presidential level assassinations on his list."

"Which should be impossible."

"You and I both know that the impossible is just relative, but due to that issue, most of my sources don't believe he's real or just one person. However, I do know that he tends to pop up whenever something that could propel western society is about to be introduced or announced to the world, which you might like to know. We also know, from the gift he gave me that whoever is supporting him or whoever he is working for is old and defiantly eastern European or the Middle East, somewhere Soviet weapons are still pretty easy to come by."

Fury crossed his arms over his chest before leaning back against his desk, "I will take that information into account Agent. Now, is there any chance his mysterious figure is from the same program as you?"

A small smirk grew on my lips, "If you're asking that questions in terms of seeing how close I am to defecting than no. Trust me SHIELD has me roped in pretty tight. Now as for the logistics manner of it all, he wouldn't be from my program at all, but I don't know if the KGB is involved or not, I mean let's be honest they make the CIA look like girl scouts."

"Fair enough, now there is one more topic I need to discuss with you."

My brows furrowed as I leaned forward, "Yes sir?"

"What do you think about powered or enhanced individuals?"

I leaned back and cocked my head to the side, "Like Captain America and all of those people from the comics that Coulson likes to collect." Fury just nodded in response and I wasn't sure where this conversation was going. "I mean, I think that the super-soldier serum was a great idea, but highly unlikely to be recreated, just a situation of the right place,  the right people, the right time. Why do you ask sir?"

"First Romanoff, I would advise that you don't lie to me anymore. I know about the Red Room's serum attempts."

"It's not like it really worked, not enough to be considered an enhanced individual." My eyes started to shift, looking for the most effective escape route incase I needed it.

"No, the serum alone wouldn't be enough, but when combined with your training, there's no argument that you are the deadliest agent here."

"I would argue that Barton should hold that title and as much as I love the complement, why are you telling me."

"Agent Barton already knows what I'm about to tell you, but about eight years ago, I met my first truly enhanced individual, who showed me that there are people and things out there that no single person can defeat. That incident inspired me to create what I like to like to call the Avengers Initiative. It sounds pretty complex, but the idea is simple, to gather a group of remarkable people, see if they can become something more. See if they can work together when we need the to fight the battle that SHIELD never could."

"Sounds like your preparing an army for the end of the world. And while I admire the level of paranoia needed to come up with something like this, I'm not a solider, I'm a spy."

I moved to get up and leave the room, but Fury stopped me. "You and I both have been working in this business to know that the world has a habit of coming closer and closer to world ending events every day."

"Yes, and that's why counter-terrorism units like STRIKE are becoming more and more common place. I still don't see why there has to be a whole initiative surrounding that matter."

A trace of a smile appeared on Fury's face, "I'm not talking about terrorists peeking out further and further from their spider holes. I'm talking extraterrestrial level of warfare."

"I'm sorry sir, but you have to be kidding me. I think you've been watching a little too much Sy-Fy channel."

"I know what I've seen Romanoff and while Earth has managed to stay safe once, I know they'll come back again."

"Okay, and you expect Clint and me to help defend the world from these aliens?"

"I'm looking a few more potential recruits, but yes you would be part of the task force in charge of dealing with this mess. I need someone who can see the big pictures, but still deal with what's needed on the small scale."

"And you think that's where I fit?"

"Yes, I also just need someone who can see the bad in the world and still approach life with a level head and some air of professionalism and that's a pretty hard skill set to come across."

"Alright, I'm game. So, does this mean I get to meet this alien destroyer or...?"

"Sadly, she's out of my call range right now, but hopefully we never need to call her in."

"What are my duties now sir, now that I'm part of your secret superhero club."

"Pretty much what you were already doing, though I may send you in privately to examine potential recruits. You're better than Barton analyzing how well someone will fit with my planning."

I nodded, "Of course sir. Now am I free to go?"

"Of course." He gestured to the door and as I was about to step out of his office, I heard him say, "By the way Agent, I believe there are some new male recruits in the gym that are looking for a sparring partner." I shoot a bit of a devilish smile at him. "Just make sure they'll be in good enough condition to go on their first op next week."

"Of course sir, I'm just going to make sure that they have all the tips they need."

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