"Now it gets psychological..."

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Published on September the 10th, 2019. 14.00.

The title quote from Captain,-Lt. Henrich Lehmann-Willenbrock - Der Alte, played by Jurgen Prochnow in Das Boot, comes to mind. The crew of the U-96, having launched a torpedo attack, know a response from the convoy escorts is certain to occur, and are nervously awaiting the next ear splitting, bowel shaking, depth charge salvos.

After being rattled and thrown about by the week's succession of political explosions, we like the kriegsmarine sailors find ourselves in a ringing-eared pause between battles. Parliament has been officially prorogued and the war of words should ease for the moment. So now we must wait for the sonar operator to detect the faint but approaching swishing of a frigate's propellers... When will the next outbreak of hostilities erupt? I don't know.

The Brexit ChroniclesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ