Cut The Crap

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Kara landed on the balcony of Lena's office. She took a quick look around but didn't manage to find Lena.

"Did you know that we all have eyebrows?" she heard a voice from inside.

The window was unlocked and so, Kara could just walk inside.

"I mean they're right there, above our eyes, and we can't even see them" Lena continued. She was not at her best at these moments.

"Lena?" Kara saw her best friend sitting on her desk chair,

"Are you okay?" she asked, not being able to ignore the horrible smell of alcohol that filled the office.

"Do you know why we even have eyebrows?" Lena kept ignoring Supergirl's questions

"Lena, you are clearly drunk, would you please put the glass down?" Kara approached her carefully.

Lena closed her eyes once Kara stood in front of her, "their job is to keep the sweat out of our eyes" she surprisingly chose to ignore the fact that it was Kara, again, this time in the Supergirl costume.

"I heard that Kara Danvers came to see you today" Kara tried to start a conversation. She could tell that Lena was too drunk and careless to respond. The truth was that Lena didn't feel good at all.

"Did she also tell you about my new project?" the CEO kept pretending and laid her head on her palm.

"Yes, she did actually. How is it going?" Kara wanted to get more information,

"Why would you care?" Lena asked, almost passing out on her desk.

Kara chose to ignore the question, "you didn't answer to her though... did something happen between the two of you?"

Lena put her glass down. She was thinking of an answer that will satisfy her. In the min-time, Kara couldn't help herself but pick up the empty bottles that were on the floor.

"No... I don't recall anything of the sort" Lena finally responded and stood up slowly,

"Let me help you" Supergirl rushed to her,

"I don't need your help" Lena hurried to the couch.

"Are you mad at Kara for some reason?" Kara tried again.

Lena kept walking but then stepped on the carpet and fell.

"I've got you" Kara caught her just before she hit the floor.

Lena seemed to have trouble standing up. She was so dizzy, but she didn't seem surprised.

This has happened before.

"How much did you drink???" Kara asked. She felt so horrible.

"A glass or two..," Lena mumbled and with Kara's help lay down on the couch.

"You really hurt m-...Kara's feelings" the Kryptonian felt the tears burning in her eyes again.

"Please cut the crap," Lena said and placed her head on Kara's hips.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked, covering her best friend with a blanket.

Lena took off her heels. She knew that she was mad at Kara, and yet, she felt so safe with her. She wasn't thinking clearly. She wouldn't have done that if she had cared just a little more.

"Tell Kara Obsidian North is not fully ready yet. But we are close and people have already started to use it. I'm quite proud of my work" she said. She would never tell Kara such a thing. She wasn't her friend. She wasn't. They weren't.

"What about you being mad at her?" Supergirl couldn't help but ask.

Lena took a deep breath. All she wanted to do was to tell kara the truth, that she knew.
Knew her deepest secret, that she knew exactly who she's talking to.
She wanted to do it so badly. To scream at her for what she's done. to make Kara feel like she had lost her forever.
But then, Kara placed her soft hand on Lena's waist. And a wave of warmth filled her body. Spread from the point of the touch to the tips of her fingers. She felt so protected, so loved.
She wanted to feel that forever, to stop time and just be there with Kara.

Kara felt the same. A feeling that she has never felt before. It was confusing, but just like Lena, she wanted it to never stop.

"I can't handle it right now" Lena answered Kara's question. She made herself comfortable in Kara's lap and fell asleep.

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