Get Your Kara Danvers Back

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"I have got to say, this new suit fits you,"  Alex said on the coms,

"Yeah well, Cisco is a pure genius," Kara said while she was flying above National City.

"You really like it don't you?" Alex smiled,

"Oh yeah" Kara felt the wind blowing in her face, and the sun burning on her cheeks.

Alex turned off the coms. She pulled J'ohn to side.

"I am worried about her" she started, "she got suspended and ever since she's only... Supergirl"

"I agree," J'ohn said, "this all 'Lena-reveal' thing has really gotten into her head"

"You think all this is happening because of Lena?" Alex asked,

"I'm afraid so," he answered, "it's like she's shutting Kara Danvers off. She focuses only at being Supergirl"

Alex's expression changed, she was more worried by the second.

"Alex..."  J'ohn wanted to comfort her,

"The only time she has ever shut off Kara Danvers was when... when mon-el left" Alex remembered. That wasn't an easy time for any of them.

"I guess Lena just means that much to her," J'ohn said.

Alex was confused, she really needed to talk to her sister.

\\Evening/ Kara's apartment\\

"Hey" Kara opened the door. She was waiting for Alex.

Kara was prepared for that talk. It sounded important when they talked on the phone a few minutes earlier.

Alex walked inside, Kara could tell how nervous.

"Can we talk?" Alex was playing with her hair. She didn't make any eye contact with Kara,

"Yes, sure. Is everything okay?" Kara set down on the couch,

"That is actually what I was going to ask you" Alex didn't sit down. She was too troubled.

"You haven't tried it to get your job at Catco back... or make any contact with people... Which is not really like you... all you are doing these days is... you know, being Supergirl"

"Well, Supergirl has a lot on her plate right now. It's my duty" Kara said, trying to convince Alex, but, mostly herself that it was true. Then, she covered herself with a blanket.

Alex integrated her hands and gave Kara a look that seemed a bit judging,

"Kara, yesterday you spent two hours beating up a couple of thieves for no reason when the police already had them"

It was necessary to be mentioned. In fact, Kara was waiting for her to bring that up. She knew Alex was right about that, but even SHE couldn't tell what was going on with herself,

"What's your point?"

"Is all this happening... because of Lena?" Alex looked at her younger sister sadly. She didn't want to make Kara feel uncomfortable.

Kara thought for a second. That was not the first time she's asked herself that question and yet, she hasn't come to an answer yet,
She was looking down on the floor and trying out figure out what to say.
Alex was about to change the subject but then Kara looked back up,

"No! Of course not. I mean, yeah, I am a little upset but she'll forgive me eventually... I mean she has to, right?" Kara did her best to sound positive,

"Kara, I'm not sure about that anymore," Alex said and sat next to the blue-eyed girl,

"What do you mean?" Kara seemed worried,

"You stopped trying... Stopped working... Barely eating or sleeping..." Alex put the facts on the table,

"So?" Kara's voice cracked. She knew what was coming next.

"Kara, you always eat! Sleeping is one of your favorite activities! Being a reporter is your dream job... and Lena... since when do you give up on Lena?? You never give up Kara! Not on her!" Alex raised her voice.

Kara seemed even sadder than before. She knew her sister was right. She has never given up on Lena.


And she likes food as much as she likes being alive.

"You're right, Lena has been everything to me in the past few years... Well at least when you weren't around. She has been there for me at all times. Always on my side"
Kara started,

"S- She is so important to me Alex, her safety... I couldn't live with myself if anything happens to her. She makes me feel different... she has another perspective about the world, because of what she's been through. She makes me smile and she is simply a genius! She is one of the strongest women I've ever known. And Alex... When she said my name... when she punched me... it- it just broke my heart... I- I can't bear it, not now"

Kara closed her eyes, remembering at the better days when a Luthor and a Super worked together side by side.

Tears rolled on her red cheeks. She was blushing.

"Well then, pull it together Kara! Get your job back, try to work out things with Lena, come to game nights again! Get your Kara Danvers back!" Alex smiled and hugged her sister.

"You can do this, I know you can"

"Thank you Alex" Kara whispered to her sister

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