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Winn opened his eyes slowly, cleaning some dust off his pants. His head was hurting and he felt dizzy and tired, "where am I?", he asked with a bruised voice.

"Good morning Mr. Schott" he heard a voice behind him.

He raised his head, allowing his sight to get clearer as he tried to untie himself from the chair he was sitting.
William Dey sat in front of him, "it's pointless, Mr. Schott".

"Who are you? Let me go!" Winn yelled at him.

"Mr. Schott, please, make yourself comfortable. We might spend some time here" William told him. He was very nervous and uncomfortable with seeing Winn struggling like that, which was quite strange given his words and tone.

"Whoever you are, the Legion will find me and they'll hurt you. Where are we?" the young, confused man asked again

"You are home, Winn. I brought you home" William answered him. And just like Kara, Winn didn't like him already.

"Home?" He didn't understand

"National city. November 2019. Home."

"2019? Who are you?" Winn was confused.

He wondered who could've possibly known that he has gone to the future?
How did that man bring him back? 

"My name is William Dey. But that's not important. I'm just a part of a much, much bigger operation", William said uncomfortably. He wasn't okay with the way he was talking. That hostility was nothing like him, Winn could tell.

"I'm sure you're familiar with the term- 'Obsidian North'... 'Obsidian Technology' maybe?" William started investigating,

"Never heard of it" Winn lied.
He was well trained for questions like that by the Legion. He was stronger, in both mind and body.

"Oh Winn... if I know who you are, don't you think I know where you're from? or more correctly- when you're from?" Dey smiled with that sarcastic smile of his.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, and I need you to listen carefully".

Winn turned silent. He shook his chair again, trying to release himself but with no success.

"I know what you are capable of. In fact, the reason you're here is that I need your help".

"I will never help a man like you," Winn hurled at him.

"So you do know who I am. Good. Then you probably know what I can do to you if you don't cooperate", William threatened, invested in the character he has created for himself.
Unfortunately for him, Winn could tell it was just a show that was meant to scare him.

"I need you to take those contact lenses and merge them with this," the British said and put a large silver suitcase on the table.

"Is that-?"

"Kryptonite? Yes. Delivered by the one and only, Lena Luthor", William answered shortly.

Winn was horrified. A lot has clearly changed since the last time he talked to his friends.

"You see? In order to get to those contacts, I had to make a deal with both Mrs. Luthor and another woman that you probably know as Acrata" William explained with a smile, meant to hide those beads of sweat that coursed down his face. 

"While Acrata wanted the successful invitation of hers to spread all over the world, Lena... had some more personal requests," he continued and stood up, avoiding Winn's accusing glance.

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