It's Starting Now

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"Is everything prepared?" the man that was sitting on the black chair asked. He was tapping on the desk with his fingers, scaring the shit out of William.


"Yes, we are ready" William answered nervously,

"Good. You know what to do next" the man said and rolled his chair to face the wall.

William understood that it was time to leave. But not before making sure of one, and very important thing,

"Is my family safe now?" his voice was shaking asked,

"Yes, William, I always keep my promises" assured the mysterious man. It was obvious that he wanted the young British man to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Lockwood, I'll begin with our project right away," William said and was about to leave,

"Wait a second" Ben turned around again, "is Andrea ready?"

"Yes" William answered, "She is"

"You both will be betraying the Luthor girl... are you ready for that?" Lockwood asked,

"Since we started. I am" ‏

\\Later at L-Corp\\

Lena was walking back-and-forth in her office. She was chewing the pan that she is holding. A bad habit from the past that she thought you got rid of.

Her secretary rushed inside,

"Miss Luthor!" she called her

Lena was immediately alarmed. She was pulled out of her own thoughts and turn around to face her concerned secretary,

"Miss Luthor, you have received some sort of... a message...?" The secretary told her,

"What kind of message?" Lena stopped walking. She seemed troubled,

"I don't know... A man called. He said he knew who you were, and only requested to deliver a message"

"Okay. Go on then" the young Luthor approved,

"It's starting now," the secretary said, delivering the message, using the same words as the man on the phone,

"What's starting now?" Lena was confused,

"I'm not sure he also requested to turn on the TV. If you may" she told her and walked out of the office.

Lena took the remote controller. She took a deep breath and turned on the TV

"We are now reporting of the young man that is being held on the top of a building at Shelly Island! Citizens that are vacationing over there are being evacuated as I speak..."

"Winn?" Lena stopped her breath,

She had to get there. Without thinking twice, the young Luthor left everything and got out of her office.
In no time, she found herself in the lobby, trying to make her way among the workers that were walking all over the place. Just when she was about to leave, she felt a hand holding hers,

"L-Lena" she heard a fragile familiar voice. The brunette turned around.
It couldn't be her.
But of course it was.

It was Eve.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in aggression

"I need your help" she whispered.
It took all of Lena's strength to hold herself from punching her in the face for betraying her.

Funny that she couldn't do the same with Kara.

But look on Eve's face was enough to make Lena realize that she came to do no harm.

"Please, you're the only person I could go to. I wouldn't have if I had another choice"

Lena took a deep breath. There was no time for that even if she wanted to help, and she wasn't sure if she did.

"I can't help you not right now Lena told her and rushed out of the building.

She had much more urgent matters to handle.

"You're on your way right?" Alex asked Kara on the coms,

"Yes one second" Kara responded to her sister and fastened her speed.

The two women arrived at Shelly Island at the same time. This was not Lena's first visit on the island. In fact, she has payed it visits repeatedly for the past few weeks in order to make sure everything was prepared for her revenge. And so, she knew very well where William could've been hiding. Unlike Kara who landed right at the entrance and immediately felt sick.

"W-what is happening?" she mumbled. Soon enough, she wasn't able to fly. She took a step closer into the island,

"Supergirl! I'm glad you could make it!" William said and walked towards her.

Kara was having trouble breathing.

"Are you feeling all right? I might have put some kryptonite around... hope you don't mind" his annoying smile made Kara even sicker,

"Why?" Kara asked angrily,

"Believe it or not I had no choice. It's my boss who made all this happen. With a little help of a dear friend of yours" he pointed at a building far behind him.

Winn was on top of it. He was sitting on a chair that was tied up with a rope to the building itself inches from its end,

"Winn!" she called him

"Supergirl, hey! How are you doing?" he asked with a laugh. Kara couldn't believe how much she has missed his little jokes when things got rough,

"Hold on! I'm going to get you out of there" the superhero shouted

"Oh no, you're not... one more step and he dies" the British warned.
He was holding a controller with a red bottom on it.
Kara managed to recognize a tiny bomb connected to the rope on the chair Winn was sitting on.
One press and he will fall into the sea, tied up to that heavy chair that will keep him underwater.

And the kryptonite just made Kara weaker and weaker as time passed. She had no idea what to do, and many questions to ask,

"Where did you get the kryptonite from?" she yelled. She could feel how she's losing her balance.

"You'll find out. Soon enough" he said confidently.

"Kara, what is going on over there?" Alex asked after she heard the tensed conversation on the coms.
She and the rest of the heroes were ready to go.

"I have no idea" Kara's voice cracked under the burning pain inside her veins.

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