Lost (In) You, Maybe For Good

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**Pay attention- everything in this episode happens in the real world (no parts in the VR).

Enjoy :)

"How does she get it off?!" Alex yelled again,

"Ask her! She built it" Ben pointed at Lena.

Alex looked at the young Luthor girl. She was thinking.

"Alex, now!" Nia shouted, "We can't hold them!!"

"I am not the only one who built this" Lena concluded.
She looked at Alex. Despite the complicity that had marked their friendship, Alex knew exactly what she was thinking about.
The two immediately looked at Andrea,

"You think?" Andrea asked with desperate and heavy breaths, "you will be the only one in the second"
she murmured and smashed the button on the remote with her thumb.

"Winn" Alex's heart fell.
The look on Lena's face was even worse than hers. Unlike Alex, she knew the consequences and the kind of damage that will occur to Kara if they didn't take the lenses off soon.

The two looked to the island's direction as if they were watching a horror film. They could recognize a little dot, falling from the top of a tall building.

"I got him!" Brainy announced and caught Winn, seconds before he hit the cold water.
The proud alien untied him from the chair and carried him up,
"Hello, old Legion friend"

Winn shook off the surprise and fear that came over him and smiled at Brainy,

"Winn?" He heard Alex calling him from Brainy's comms,

"Oh, right, the effect of the kryptonite should be gone by now," he said,
"If Kara isn't waking up that must be because she is convinced that what is happening to her is real. She could be experiencing lots of damage and pain because of it" Winn told her and the superhero group turned silent.

"What should we do?" Alex asked desperately, eyes dry, hands loose, mind tired,

"Try to make her feel something. Something that will connect her to the real world. I know Kara. She is strong enough to pull herself out of it once you do" Winn told them as he and Brainy were getting closer to National City.

"Kara?" Alex called her sister.

She knew it wasn't going to work. Kara loved her, but Alex has been calling her nonstop for some very long minutes, and she didn't wake up...
There was only one person that could have the same effect on her. Or maybe, an even stronger one.

Only one person.

The same one that was holding Kara's hand and pressing it against her chest. She was staring at Alex with pain and sorrow, hoping for unreachable forgiveness that she will have to earn, somewhen in the future.
The worried agent looked at her sister hopelessly and took in a deep and desperate breath.
She nodded at the brunette.

Lena was quite shocked. Her hair was messy and scattered on her shoulders and face. Her shirt was a bit torn next to her neck and blood was still coursing down her face, mixing with the tears that had dried on her cheeks not long before.

"Kara," Lena called the blonde. Her voice cracked with a cry. She thought about the next words, some of them had to be the ones that would bring Kara back to reality. So many choices... and yet, Lena knew exactly what was going to bring her hero back to her,

"I forgive you"

She whispered and placed another kiss on the back of Kara's palm,

"I should've said it long ago... Because it's true... I do" she continued unexpectedly,

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