Just Friends (?)

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"Wake up! Wake up! Come on Alex Danvers, YOU ARE LATE!" Kelly called Alex who was still asleep.

"I made breakfast and everything... Even though I'm not that good, but you need to eat" Kelly rushed with the breakfast to the bed.

"Good morning," Alex said and kissed her, "there you go" Kelly put the plate on Alex's hips.

"May I get a fork? Alex laughed, "And a coffee...  Like 2 glasses of it... Maybe 3... No! I need a pool full of coffee... yes! Do you have a pool with coffee for me?" Alex was still a little bit sleepy.

"You are really tired, aren't you?" Kelly laughed,

"I am" Alex threw herself into the pillows on the bed,

"But you came home early last night" Kelly was confused,

"Yes, but I couldn't fall asleep. I had a few things on my mind" Alex got up and started to eat.

"What kind of things?" Kelly asked

"It's a little personal," Alex responded,

"It's okay, you can tell me, and maybe I can help. I'm a therapist after all" Kelly leaned on the kitchen table.

"It's Kara" Alex started, "I went to see her last night and something she said got me thinking..."

"In a good way or a bad way?" Kelly was interested,

"I don't know... just generally thinking. It's not a big deal" Alex apologized,

"It is, if it kept you up all night" Kelly went towards the bed,

"She and lens had this fight... it's a big one, I don't doubt that. But lately it just seemed like its effecting her more than it should"

"Are they talking?" Kelly asked,

"No. Lena is very angry. And Kara has lost all hope to get her back. She is heart-broken..." Alex added some extra details,

"Sounds like a big dramatic lovers' fight," Kelly said. She was joking, of course, but Alex was disturbed by the cooperation.

Kelly could see it, "is it because she's... you know, Supergirl?"

Alex almost choked when she heard that, "you know?"

"I am a sister with Superman's best friend" she smirked, "and also they have the same birthmark on their forehead"

"They do, don't they?" Alex smiled, but she still seemed upset,

"So I'm guessing Lena found out..." Kelly set on the bed,

"Yes but that's not it" Alex continued,

"When Kara and I talked, she was devastated... She said Lena means the world to her... that she won't forgive herself if anything happens to her. And she told me that Lena broke her heart..." Alex started, hoping that Kelly has got the point,

"And at first I thought she was just really upset, and they are good friends, I know that but, Kelly..." Alex sighed,
"The way she talks about her... And the way she has been behaving lately... It's even worse than mon-el"

"A boyfriend I'm guessing?" Kelly used her skills,

"Ex" Alex corrected,
"He left a few years ago. Kara loved him, and when he was gone-- 'Kara Danvers was mistake'. And now Lena is angry and hurting and Kara got suspended... she does nothing about it, she quits game nights, almost doesn't eat or sleep, always working as Supergirl... It feels to me like she's shutting Kara Danvers off all over again"

"Did you tell her how you feel about it?" Kelly asked 

"Yes, that's when she said those things about Lena. She said she's going to make things different and pull it back together or at least, I think she will" Alex put her head between her hands.

"Do you think she will?" Kelly asked, "It sounds bad"

"I don't know. Maybe the only thing that can fix this is Lena's forgiveness"

Kelly placed her hand on Alex's shoulder. She looked deep into her confused eyes,

"What do you think about the way she spoke about her?" She asked Alex,

"What do you think?" Alex looked at her.

Kelly hesitated. She wasn't sure if she's the one that should tell Alex what it looked like. But she knew Alex knew what was going on, she only needed to feel like she wasn't the only one noticing.

"Well if you ask me, it sounds like Kara may have feelings for Lena. Feelings that are stronger than 'just friends'" Kelly answered, trying to sound as professional as she could.

She saw Alex wasn't happy with that answer.

"Why do you feel bad about this?" She asked, "I thought it was good news"

"I don't feel bad, I feel guilty... if she loves her or even has the tiniest thought about her, why wouldn't she tell me? Wasn't I there enough for her? Am I a bad sister?" Alex looked even more upset than earlier,

"Maybe she doesn't know how she feels yet, or maybe she's just not ready," Kelly said with confidence.
Alex gave her a sad smile, "maybe"

Alex's phone rang,
"J'ohn, what's wrong?" she immediately picked up

"It's happening again. The eyes and the huge mass of people" he said,

"Okay, I'm on my way, is Kara there yet?"

"No. she didn't show up for work today," J'ohn said.

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