Business Time

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"And that is it", William finished. His British accent was already getting on Kara's nerves.

"That's the assignment?" She asked, surprised.

"For now, yes," he responded. His calm reaction and suspicious smile didn't seem to get along together, nor succeed at convincing the young reporter. "Oh Kara... you are a long time project, I need you to be patient. This is a big deal" he smiled.

"It won't be a problem" Kara responded and hurried to bring up a subject that interested her even more, "I don't want to be rude", she started, "because I know that we are cooperating with Andrea..."

"-and Lena".

"Yeah... but I really think that Catco shouldn't be this involved with Obsidian North technology "  she said and inhaled, thinking about her.
She rolled her eyes and bit her lower lip before straightening up and continuing, "we tell important stories through our articles... if we want to fit them those contact lenses, where everything is so fast and breezy, we'll have to shorten them".

"That is correct Kara, but the idea of the story will be understood", he told her, "I'm rewriting everything so it could-"

"The idea? No... these stories won't be told the way they deserve to be told, justice won't be served!"

"We are developing Kara, and you're better than most writers here... Look, I know you. You will write the new articles just as requested, it'll be a piece of cake for you".

"That's- No. If you knew anything about me, then you'd know that I can't stand behind this".

William was about to respond, looking firm, and a little unpleased with Kara's responses when his phone rang.
One look down at the screen was enough to set him restless. "I'm sorry I have to take this", he apologized and answered.

Kara couldn't help but roll her eyes again, although this time' it wasn't over her.
The British new boss was about to change the entire way that Catco used to work, and he wouldn't even hear her out.

"Mr. Dey, hey, I'm just calling to check if our meeting is still happening today".

Kara stopped whining inside of her head. She would've recognized that voice from miles away.

William could understand that Kara knew exactly who was on the phone, "miss Luthor!" he answered highly, "yes, it is. You're welcome to come over right now", he seemed uncomfortable.

"Great. I hope you've done well with what I gave you" she answered.

Kara listened to her voice carefully. She sounded so happy, and honestly, she had missed that determination, and she loved to hear the serious nature of hers that came up whenever she was close to figuring out another thing that would probably change the world.
Something about it had always made her so proud. It was weird to feel that way now, when they were no longer friends.

Friends. Yes.
It still made sense.

Why wouldn't it?

"I did" Kara's boss answered Lena's question, pulling Kara out of her thoughts. "I suppose you have done your part of the deal as well", he added.

"Yes. I'm almost there and I am bringing it with me".

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