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**This episode is happening in both the VR that Kara is trapped in, and in the real world.
The parts in BOLD are the ones that happen in the real world. The rest, happen to Kara in the VR.
Do your best to pay attention to these details :)

Enjoy! (this is a rough one...)


"Mrs. Danvers are you okay?"...

"Is that Kara Danvers? What happened to her?"...

Kara heard dull noises. She opened her eyes and saw many people standing above her,


"I'm-" Kara mumbled quietly.
She got up on her feet and saw dozens of people standing around her. They were looking at her strangely.
Something didn't feel right.
Kara looked down-...
red boots

She sent her hand back...

Her cape was still on.

"Hey, Kara is everything okay?" a guy asked her.
Kara didn't know him but he looked familiar.

"How do you know who I am?" she asked,

"You are Kara Danvers! Of course I know who you are! You are Supergirl" he smiled

"Kara Danvers is not Supergirl. I am," she told him, surprised to hear the lie that came out of her mouth so easily,

"Kara, why are you behaving so weird?" a woman asked,

Kara's heart pounded and beads of sweat began rolling down her face.

Come down.

Kara tried to convince herself that she was dreaming. She was trying to think of the last thing she remembered, when suddenly, a little girl approached her nicely,

"No, no! I'm not Kara Danvers! I'm Supergirl!" she repeated herself loudly.

The blonde was trying to convince them, and mostly herself. She narrowed her eyes. Those people weren't wearing contact lenses.
Supergirl took her look of the people, down to the floor to shake the confusion that slowly started to take over.

"What did you do to her??" Alex ran to Kara.

She saw Lena, sitting on her knees and leaning forward with her hands on the ground. Her breath was heavy and big tears were falling from her eyes to the ground.

"Kara!" Alex tried again,

"This is all your fault!" she yelled at Lockwood,

"No, this is on her!" he yelled and pointed at Lena,
"she was the one who made this device! She is the reason Supergirl is feeling this pain!... a blessing"

"P-pain?" Alex looked at Lena.

After everything that has happened with Kara, Alex could not believe Lena was the one hurting her all over again. She was furious.

"Alex... no, I didn't know this was what he was going to do! I would never..." Lena got up fast and took a few steps towards her.
Alex looked at Kara. Her eyes were colored in blue-silver. All she could see was emptiness.

Kara wasn't there.

"Look at her!" she cried at Lena, "Can you look at her and tell me that you're not responsible for this?!"

The tears came back and flooded Lena's eyes.

"And the kryptonite?? Was that you too??!" Alex shouted.

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