Please Get Better For Me (I Won't Make It If You Don't)

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"Kara!" Lena whispered, "Kara wake up!"

Kara's head was lying unconsciously only her hips. She was looking at her and crying. It wasn't very typical for her to cry when things got bad. She was always a strong and self-controlled kind of person.
But now, whenever Supergirl gets hurt, Kara gets hurt.
And Lena couldn't bear the thought of that.

She felt so powerless and so alone.
She knew the DEO was coming. Kara's earphone wasn't working, so they must've known she was in trouble.

"that's Danvers isn't it?" William asked silently. He made himself comfortable against the cold wall,
"same sense of justice, same smile... everything connects now...the reason that you wanted me to keep her busy, was so Supergirl won't get in your way," he said, staring at Lena.

She looked at him, but immediately turned her look back to Kara. She placed a cold hand and Kara's cheek.


Even when she's unconscious,
she was beautiful.

"Was it a lovers' fight? A betrayal revenge?" William asked.

Lena passed her finger over Kara's lips. The blood was now dry and dark. Their color was pink-red, but not too red. Just the perfect color for her skin tone.
Just perfect.

"Kind of" she answered, whispering,

"Does she know you're the reason all of this is happening? Does she know about the kryptonite?" He asked,

"that is none of your business" Lena answered.

William sighed. Behind all that scary-bad image that he's made for himself lately, he was a good man. And even he could tell when he was overstepping.

"Why didn't Lockwood shoot?" Lena asked curiously and moved her hand to Kara's chest. It seemed like she was examining every part of Kara's body.
The feeling of her strong heartbeat made the brunette feel safe. They must've been far from kryptonite.
Or maybe, it was Kara that was fighting it to get better.
Get better for her.

"He intends to frame you," William told her, like you didn't even care if she knew,
"the kryptonite is yours. And you were the one who gave him the lenses" he said and took a deep breath diluted with pain,

"The plan was his, but you gave him everything he needed. You are a Luthor Lena, he's Ben Lockwood... He'll get away with it"

The name 'Luthor' pounded in Lena's head. She felt sick.
How could she be so blind?
How could she think that they will work with her? that they will not use her for their own good, just like everyone else...
She felt so betrayed.

And suddenly, Kara's secret didn't seem that bad... Or maybe it did?
Maybe Kara didn't trust her either?

The thoughts made her feel this big lump of sadness, stuck down her throat, waiting to burst out and fill the room with cry and sadness.

"You're still here" she heard a familiar voice whispering.


"I never left" the brunette pulled it together and answered,

"What's going on?" the Kryptonian got up but soon, she fell back into Lena's lap in pain,

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