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The sun peered through the curtains into Kara's apartment. 

Lena turned her back to it. She didn't want to wake up. She covered her head with Kara's purple blanket. It had her smell on it.

It didn't take long before the young brunette remembered at everything that happened last night.
The article!


As much as she didn't want to, Lena got up quickly. She was dressed in the same clothes from yesterday.


She ran out of Kara's apartment, but when she was about to close the door behind her, she felt like she was forgetting something.

Of course.

She may have been mad at Kara, but the politeness that she had learned from being a Luthor, has made her stop walking.
She turned around and grabbed the first piece of paper she saw.

Maybe it was her conscience... maybe a habit.

'Thank you' she wrote on the note and left it on the table.

When she arrived at L-Corp, it was too late. The workers were running all over the place, talking and working stressfully.
The CEO rushed to her office. The press in the hallway did not make it easy for her.

"Miss Luthor! Hey! How does it feel to be the one responsible for the attacks on National City?"

"Miss Luthor, where have you been in the past few days? were you hiding?"

"No comment"

"Are you denying what you're accused of?"

"No comment"

"What are you avoiding? Are you going to do even more?"

"Will national city be in danger because of these attacks?"

"Are you planning on stopping them some-when in the near future?"

The crowded group of reporters didn't give Lena rest.

"Please let me pass" she tried to clear the way.

She was about to enter the elevator when she saw a very familiar face.
The blonde lady was standing next to the reception in the lobby, and looking right into Lena's eyes.
Lena did not have time to deal with her, so she walked into the elevator and pretended like she never saw her.


"We have news about Lena," John said,
"she's at L-Corp"

"Now, is she?" Kara tried to sound surprised, like she wasn't the one who let the young Luthor to sleep in her house a few hours ago.

"Apparently she didn't go that far after all" Alex said, hands on her waists

"Do we have any updates about the attacks?" John asked

"No. the morning is calm so far" Brainy informed

"That's Thanks to Kara's new article" Alex smiled,

"It's a beginning..." Kara smiled sadly,
"I'm sure Lena hates me even more now" she couldn't hide the disturbance.

The events of last night came back to her as well.

"You did the right thing" Alex assured her


"Lena, hey!" A comforting but annoying voice sounded from the phone

"What the hell is happening?!" Lena wasn't as calm as the man on the phone,

"You promised me your little experiments won't hurt anyone, and now, no only that they do, but I am also the one getting blamed for causing it!"
Lena sat in her desk chair. She was leaning ‏forward.

"Lena, please come down. Ever since I got every single worker-, well almost, every single worker at Catco to use the contact lenses that Andrea gave me, she has found me very useful, and so, we have decided to work together. We are working on a new project while you are stuck doing your own business. You weren't in touch, things got messy. That's not my fault" said the man on the phone.
Lena could've sworn he was almost blaming her for something.

"What I did for you is done, we are no longer partners. But... I assure you that your problems will pass soon" Lena could sense his smirk.

"You and Andrea are partners now and you were leaving me out of obsidian north which is being developed in MY factories under MY name, and you dare to come and throw this on me?" Lena let her bitch show,
"I will be thrown to jail because if you William I swear" she yelled

"I suggest you start your little project earlier if you want this to end," Mr. Dey said.
Lena didn't understand how her revenge can stop people from accusing her of William and Andrea's terrible experiments.

If only she knew that her 'little project' was Kara's doom.

Something didn't feel right to the young Luthor, "You don't know what my plans are, and you don't know what I'm facing" she told him, voice suspicious as an investigator's one.

What does William Dey know about her plans?
Other then, of course, the kryptonite she gave him.

"I know very well what you're facing Lena. You work with Andrea on something big... some personal revenge that I want no part of-"
Lena narrowed her eyes,
"But I'm also working with Andrea. We have that in common. So you stay out of my way, and I'll do whatever I can in order to take this off you and silence this matter" William almost whispered.

Lena became silent. She didn't care what William was doing with Andrea. All she cared about was to make Kara feel the same pain she made her go through. She deserved that. Both of them did.
But being a business lady didn't give her a choice. She didn't know if William had the power to pull her out of this, and she didn't trust him.

"You and Andrea might go long back, but I'm very persuasive and also have my own resources Miss Luthor" William whispered with confidence,

Lena finally understood where this was going. She didn't like it at all.

"You didn't think I would do a job for you without knowing what for... did you?" He asked sarcastically.

Of course, he could just do it in exchange for the improved contacts. Curious man.

"If you want to destroy Supergirl, be my guest. I won't stand in your way. Don't you dare stand in mine. You don't want that. TRUST ME"

Lena took a deep breath. Of course, she couldn't trust Andrea. She didn't know why she was so surprised.

This was getting so messy and complicated...


Things have changed since she thought of the idea for her revenge. It was flawless.
But, did Kara really deserved all of that?
She wasn't sure.
But she was sure that there was no place nor time for hesitations.
It was now or never.

"I will keep you updated" mumbled the brunette and hanged up the phone.

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