Angst? You Got It!

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Kara was headed back from the DEO. The tiredness and frustration she was feeling was beyond understanding. All she wanted to do was to crush on her bed and close her eyes. 

She placed the key in the door lock. The door wasn't locked,


Who opened it? Perhaps she opened it earlier? Maybe she forgot to lock it in the first place...

Was she that tired?

No... She could've sworn that she locked it.

The sad, exhausted superhero opened the door and walked inside.

All the lights were off like she left them, except for one lamp. She put her bag down and laid her coat on the chair in the kitchen.

She saw a person, woman, sitting in her living room next to the lamp that was on.

The Kryptonian took a step closer,

"Lena?" She only then realized how low her voice was.
Lena turned around. Her eyes were dry and red of tears, and her clothes were a bit wet.
Kara was confused. The brunette immediately stood up like she was seeking for Kara's permission to stay,

"What are you doing here?" Kara asked with that low voice again.

Lena was playing with her fingers. She was cold and weak. Kara wasn't used to seeing her like that,

"I need you" Lena whispered. She seemed worried and scared. After all this time, it wasn't surprising.

If it was anyone else, Kara would ask them to leave. But it wasn't. It was Lena.

"Are you okay?" Kara took a step back.

She became serious. She wanted to help Lena, but Lena had hurt her, and she had hurt Lena. She didn't know what to say. Lena's breath was short and heavy and she was blushing,

"May I stay here for the night?" She asked quietly. Her lower lip was shaking, eyes were shining.

Kara didn't know what to say. She felt so used, and by her best friend... that felt terrible. She didn't need that now. After everything that has happened today, the last thing she needed was to see Lena.
Not to mention, sleep in the same room with her. But she was also not going to let the frightened CEO leave.

"I wouldn't have come unless I had another choice" Lena explained. She knew this wasn't going to be easy. And honestly, Kara was the last one she wanted to see too,

"I spent the last nights in an old factory of
L-Corp... it's almost Christmas now... and it gets cold" she whispered.
Kara was just flying from the DEO back to her apartment and already thought about how cold it's been getting lately. Thinking about Lena, sleeping in a factory in that coldness... it was unimaginable.

"Kara, I miss you so much. I want to work things out... please, may I stay?" Lena stepped closer to the Kryptonian.

Kara couldn't believe of what Lena said. Now? After all this time... she wanted to work things out. Because she's cold.


Kara's hurt and pain came up to the surface. How was she supposed to make such a decision?

She didn't want Lena to sleep in a factory, but the way things were between them at the time just made it harder and harder to say yes.

"Go," Kara told her,

"Kara..." Lena walked closer and held Kara's hand.

"No" Kara pulled back,

"Go. After everything you've put me through... after all of this pain, tears, and confusion... no"

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