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Khushi was going to kill whoever was on the phone. Flicking her lamp on, she looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 5:32 AM.

She was going to kill them, resurrect them and then kill them again. Maybe if she just ignored it...but the incessant thing kept on shrilling.

She was going to change her ringtone to something less annoying, she promised herself, finally picking up the phone. Lavanya. Of course. Who else?

"This better be important," she said in greeting.

"We have them."


"The girls. All thirteen of them. We extracted them. They're safe."

"What? How?"

"Later. I have things to do right now."

"But--and she's already hung up." Putting her cell down, Khushi wondered if she'd dreamed that conversation.

"That really happened, didn't it, Devi Mayan?" She smiled at the statue before flopping back in bed. "It's going to be okay now," she whispered before drifting back to sleep.


"Morning!" NK said into his phone.

"How do you sound this happy at this ungodly hour?" Dr. Krishna grumbled. "Never mind that. You need to get to the hospital. There's been an emergency."

"I'll be there in half an hour," he answered, hopping out of bed and striding to the bathroom. He checked the time after he hung up. 5:34 A.M. "Well," he told his reflection. "Early bird gets the worm."

The emergency was a group of battered teenage girls. Half of the emergency room was sanctioned off for them, guards ensuring that no one else could enter. They seemed to shrink away as the doctors descended on them but didn't resist as they were looked over and catalogued. Amidst the bedlam, NK noticed the police officer he kept bumping into having a discussion with the hospital head of security.

Their eyes met for a second. He flashed her a smile. She looked away without acknowledging him. Shrugging, NK went back to cleaning his patient's wound. The girl winced as he accidentally touched another bruise. "Sorry. I'll try to be more gentle. What's your name?"

She looked at him with wide eyes but didn't answer so he continued talking. "I'm Dr. Goddswani. I just started working in this hospital--yesterday was my first day. But I used to work in Agra. Have you ever been to Agra?"

Tentatively she shook her head no. So N.K painted a picture for her with his words as his hands gently tended to the wounds she bore.


Satisfied with the security arrangements, Lavanya finally let someone take a look at her wound. It wasn't a big deal; just a bullet graze which she'd hastily wrapped up herself. Now that everything else was taken care of, she could get it properly fixed.

As her shoulder was tended, she swept her gaze over the emergency room. That every girl was alive was a miracle in itself. Physically, they were battered. Mentally, she had no idea but if Anya was any indication, they weren't great.

At least they weren't fighting treatment like Anya was. She paused, eyes narrowing as she spotted that annoying doctor that kept bumping into her. His patient, unlike the others, wasn't cowing away from him. Instead, she looked at him in intrigue. When he stepped back, her lips twitched as if she were about to smile but then she seemed to remember herself and became despondent again.

How odd.


With the teenagers' imminent injuries dealt with, they were transferred to rooms. Dr. Mehta ordered the pediatricians into a boardroom so that they could be debriefed.

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