Chapter 19

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Gianna's POV

I woke up feeling good until I heard arguing downstairs. I frowned looking over and Marcel wasn't in the bed. I put on his robe and went downstairs to see what was the fuss was about. The first thing I seen was Summer putting her hands on him and my blood boiled. He can't touch her, but I will.

"You fucking liar!!" She yelled at him and he was trying to get her to lower her voice.

"Stop yelling"

"What? Is she up there?"

"What's going on?" he looked at me and sigh. She looked at me and scoffed.

"SO YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH THIS HOE!!??" I frowned and looked at him.

"What is she talking about?" I asked looking at him confused.

"I'm still his girlfriend and if you forgot, I'm his baby mother too!!"

"Summer shut up" he said annoyed and looked back at me.


"You seen her yesterday?"

"No, yes...Gianna I had to go get Nessa. She asked to talk-"

"Oh please stop lying to the poor girl, Marcel"

"Summer, stop!!"

"DID YOU SAY IT OR NOT MARCEL!!??" I yelled and she stared at me with a smirk.

"You thought he was gonna leave me for a little girl. Please, he was doing a number on you" I looked at him and he looked away.

"You can have him" I walked upstairs calling myself an Uber. I was grabbing my things and I heard Nessa come out her room.


"Nessa please go back to your room" I heard the room door open and everything felt heavy.

"Gia" I put on my clothes and he grabbed my arm.

"Leave me alone" I grabbed my things and he pulled me back.

"Gia listen to me, I went-"


"What? I made it clear I wanted you, not sex" I didn't say anything, I really didn't wanna hear his lies.

"Can you say something?"

"Why did you go see her? Why did you stay to talk to her?"

"I went to go get Nessa and Summer wanted to talk and I told her I still have love for her, I still care about her. But I never said I loved her" I looked up with tears after I told myself over and over that I wasn't gonna cry.

"Lose my number, you can get everything back, I don't want you anymore. We don't have a baby together so there's no need for contacting me" I pulled away and I could see it hurted us both. But I refuse to put myself in situations like this. "I'm done"

"Gia-" I snatched my arm away from him.

"I'm done, Marcel" I walked out the room with my things and walked out the house.

"Gianna!!!" He yelled rushing behind me, but I rushed and got in the Uber. I told him my address and sat back fighting hot tears.

*Mama's House*

I made it home and I walked in. Mom looked me with worried eyes and I instantly broke down in tears. She hugged me and I hugged her tightly.

"He let me down" I cried as she held me in her arms.

"Awe, baby I'm so sorry".

She held me while I cried for what felg like hours. I eventually went up to my room and laid down. I had a hige headache and honestly I had no more tears left for the night.

Dess and Tina walked in my room as I laid in bed thinking. They sat down and look at me with sympathetic smiles. I looked at them and laid back sighing.

"He told her he loves her" I broke down all over again.

"He didn't mean it that way" I looked at her and laughed.

"Please don't be on his side, not right now" she looked at me and frowned.

"We're not on his side, Gia" Dess said and I looked down crying.

"He said he loved me, but then he hurts me. How do they do it?" they hugged me and I broke into pieces.

After my shower and stuff, I laid down and talked to them. They made me laugh a bit, but it didn't last. I felt like my my heart was stolen from me.

"You'll pull through girly" I looked at her and once again broke into tears.

Marcel's POV

I laid in bed trying to to ease my mind with trees(weed). But it wasn't working, Gia was still on my mind. When I told her I loved her, I was for real. That girl doesn't know how much I love her. Summer did all that because I told her there was no us. That I was with Gia and that I had love for her, but I didn't love her. If I would've known she was gonna go crazy and came to the house; I would've avoided that conversation yesterday. Nessa came in my room and I put out the blunt.

"Gia left early?" I looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah, Nessa I gotta talk to you" she nodded and got on my bed.


"Gia and I are on a break. Daddy did something stupid and Gia got upset. So, we might not see Gia anymore" she looked upset and I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault.

"We can't call her?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I still got you don't I?" she nodded and hugged me.

"Forever, I'll miss Gia" I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Me too, princess"

*Mama House*

I brought Nessa to play with her cousins. Mama I guess was looking for Gia. I fucked that up by talking to Summer. I sat down and she sat down looking at me. She sigh and I looked away from her.

"At least you know what a heart break is" I do now.

"Yeah, it sucks" she looked at me and I looked at her.

"Have you tried calling her?" I shook my head. She doesn't wanna talk to me.

"No, she said to lose her number" she shook her head at me and I frowned.

"No boy, you need to fix what you broke"

"I hurt her, ma. She cried and I wanted to do everything to stop her from crying"

"Well, sitting here letting her slip away isn't working. You need to call her and make things right"

"She's not gonna answer my calls ma" I pressed her caller ID and she didn't answer.

"Well I don't blame her. You did take the girl virginity and then broke her heart" I nodded and sigh putting my face in my hands.

"Yeah, I guess so"

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