Chapter 11

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Alyssa's P. O. V

I panted heavily as I brought the planchette back again to my eyes. I glanced everywhere through the planchette and saw a girl. She was abnormally light-skinned, her skin was so white, her hair was black and covering most of her face, she wore a tall dress. She ran towards me with her mouth open so impossibly wide, her mouth kept secreting sloppy black substance.

I threw the planchette away and squeaked. The girl vanished into thin air.

“Why are you doing this to me!” I shouted angrily. Ouija flew and fell down on the floor. I ran out of my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I slid down the doorframe, crouching down on the floor. I buried my head between my knees and started hysterically crying. This was too much to handle.

After I calmed down, I decided to go to the cellar and watch another film. Maybe those films hold some important information.

“Alyssa, where are you going?” Mom asked me for acknowledgement.

“To the basement. I have to do something there.” I retorted in an emotionless voice. When she didn't say anything, I walked away.

If mom and dad don't believe me, then who would? Maybe Rose and Liam would believe me? No, they won't. Nobody believes in paranormal stuff or something like that. I think I'll have to enlist help from a priest, I'll go to Church tomorrow.

I climbed down the stairs of the basement, and went straight to the box. I opened it and randomly picked a film. I put it in the projector and activated the machine.

The first thing that the projector screen showed was a family celebrating Christmas. There was a brunette middle-aged woman and a blond man, they had two blond daughters who looked like they were twins. Suddenly the scene changed, what happened next was horrible. The family were hung up in a full-grown tree and they were being suffocated to death.

The one who has been recording the whole thing, put the camera down and came into sight. It was one of the blond twins, but how could this girl who looked innocent be so criminal?

Then she slashed her wrist and started writing with her blood on a stone. I couldn't see what was she writing clearly but I guess she wrote the following alphabets; D I A N A. Wait, this is a name.

After she finished writing, she fell on the ground lifeless. Then I sighted the same girl who I had seen through the planchette. Not the one who had her mouth stitched, but the other one. She was standing next to the dead bodies. Then the film ended.

I still can't understand why children murder their parents and siblings then they commit suicide? Perhaps because of demonic possession? The reason behind it was unknown, but what I'm sure about is that they weren't their own self when they did those deadly sins.

“You'll watch yours someday..” A clear-sound whispers right into my ears. I immediately looked back but there was no-one. Ugh, this is freaking me out.

I went out of the basement only to find Chelsea outside with an angry and mad look plastered on her face. I knew this won't end up well..

“Hey sweetie, what's wrong?”

“Judy told me you watched the films,” She hissed with rage and frustration clear in her eyes.

I didn't say anything. I just felt horrified.

“You shouldn't have watched them.” She whispered sternly, her eyes glowing bright red. “Now, you have 27 days to move out of my house. If you don't, you'll suffer for the rest of your life and no one is gonna hear you.”

When I looked at Chelsea's middle finger, I realized that she was wearing a ring. I noticed that her skin was turning pale blue the spot she wore the ring. Then she started walking backwards and entered her room.

I sighed in despair. I miss my Chelsea... She was never like that.. She was cute and funny.. Sweet and obedient.. Pretty on her own way.. She was so special and adorable... I have to fight to get her back.

Emily's P. O. V

When I was sleeping, I heard knocking on the door. I checked the time and it was 3:00 a.m. who the hell knocks on people's doors at 3:00 a.m?

I decided to ignore it and go back to sleep. But the knocking didn't stop, instead, it got louder. Groaning, I got up and trudged downstairs. I opened the door and there was a little cutie with sweet pigtails.

“Hey.” I smiled at her.

“Is Diana home?” Was all she said . She wasn't even facing me; she was gazing at the wall. She kept pounding slowly and inaudibly on the wall which made me bemused.

“I think you've the wrong address.” I responded.

“But she is behind you.” She faced me now. She was looking at me creepily.

I felt alarmed and turned around, but there was no-one else there. It's just a little girl, she might be just saying fairy tales.

“Sorry, there's no one here with the name Diana.” saying this, I shut the door. Now time to go back to sleep.

When I was about to go upstairs, the telephone rang. I walked over to it and picked up the call.


“27 days...”


HEY GUYS! finally Emily witnessed some little paranormal occurrences. Do you think she'll believe Alyssa or will she keep being stubborn? You'll know that soon! ;)

I hope you liked my story and enjoyed it. It's not as good as the other stories, but this is all I could do. So please vote and comment and tell me if you like it! Please interact with the story!

So anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for your time! 😊❤
Bye guys 👋

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