Chapter 12

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Narrator's P. O. V

At morning

when Emily woke up at morning, she was still confused on what happened yesterday. But she brushed it off, maybe it was all nothing much but just unimportant things.

Emily headed to Chelsea's room to clean it up. When she stepped in, she found Chelsea doodling on a doll, particularly on the mouth. Emily was perplexed. but she thought it was normal because Chelsea is just 6 years old, maybe she was putting makeup for the doll or something.

“Sweetie, what are you doing?” Emily asked softly. Chelsea turned her head and smiled.

“Hi mommy.” Chelsea replied, putting the doll aside.

“I'm going to tidy your room, okay?” Emily informed. Chelsea nodded swiftly. Emily started cleaning the wall and while she was doing so, she saw a mark drawn in blood.

Emily felt confused, she asked herself what was that mark. She decided to ask Chelsea what's it, maybe Chelsea drew it.

“Sweetheart, do you know what's this?” Emily pointed at the mark.

“Yes,” Chelsea replied. “Judy drew it.”

Emily again, felt more bewildered. She doesn't understand who Chelsea was talking about. But she brushed all the negative thoughts away, Chelsea has a habit of talking to nonexistent things. But she didn't know that her daughter is endangered.

Alyssa's P. O. V

“Hey Alyssa, me and Chelsea are going to buy groceries. Can you stay home by yourself?” Mom asked me.

“Yeah. You can go.” I replied. But actually, I felt a little scared to stay alone in this house. But I just agreed because there's something I need to do, without mom nor Chelsea being present.

When I ensured they were gone, I headed to Chelsea's room to see if there was anything unusual. Everything was ordinary, except for a wooden box which looked unfamiliar to me. I walked over to it and picked it up to examine it. It was a normal box but something about it made me feel unsettled.

I tried to open it but it was locked. And it's key wasn't in sight. Suddenly I heard a whisper.

You'll regret it...

I wasn't shocked nor frightened, this happens daily and I got used to it already. I took the box and went straight to the Church.

after she got there

“I'm sorry, Alyssa. I can't help you. This power is so strong and even a priest can't overcome it.” Father Tom said.

“Please, Father. You have to help me. Apparently, my sister is possessed and I don't know what to do.” I begged, starting to cry.

“There's one way to get rid of the demon,” Father Tom said. I nodded, eagerly awaiting his response.

“You have to get rid of the box. By breaking it or burning it down. Then you have to throw it away in the farthest garbage dump.” father Tom explained.

“Thank you, Father.” I smiled and left.

I did what Father told me to do. I went to the farthest garbage dump, but before throwing it away, I grabbed a hammer I had found around and started smashing it. it should've tore apart; but it only had a few scratches.

“Rot in hell, bitch!” I shouted at the box - or rather I say who's inside the box.

I headed back home. I felt so relaxed now, I got rid of the cause of troubles. Now we're going to rest and I'll get some sleep.  What I saw there was shocking and unbelievable...

You can't get rid of me, Alyssa.


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Bye! 👋

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