Chapter 20

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Kate's P. O. V

I could've sworn that my jaw had hit the floor. Diana, the cause of all our troubles, is Terra and Irene's sister? My brain is going to pop out of my skull because of all this confusion and shocking surprises.

“W-what? How?” I uttered, my voice shaky and breath heavy.

“I'll explain.
Terra is my sister, but the mother who gave birth to her isn't my and Judy's mother. I know it's confusing but I'll explain it more clearly. Dad married a woman named Olivia, who gave birth to Terra and Diana. But when Olivia died, he married another woman who is my and Judy's mother. So me, Terra, Judy and Diana were sisters, but each two from different mothers. Diana has been the most disobedient one between us all, and she would often argue with mom and dad, particularly Mom. She didn't like our mother, she didn't want to have a step-mom. One day, we were caught in a fire. All of us survived, with minor injuries but sadly, Diana was the one who was badly hurt. Her skin was mutilated, bruised and swollen. At her school, her classmates scoffed from her. She would come back home, anger and hurt clear in her eyes. One day, she got her revenge. She killed Judy. Me and Terra escaped and called the police, and this is how we're right here. After then the police locked Diana in a mental asylum, after 27 days she killed herself. Even though she was a villain but I admit it, they oppressed her. Even Mom was torturing her.”

I was completely shocked. So this is the story? The story I've been longing to hear. The untold story. The story of the girl who sought-after her revenge. But why is she coming after us? We don't have any relationship or anything related to her.

Kate, I'm going to help you. Because I know how much Diana is sinister. . . And selfish. Because you were happy, she won't let you be happy. Because she wasn't happy, because she lived a tragic life. So, Kate. You've to be careful. And don't ever give up, no matter what.” Irene explained, with pity in her eyes. But at the same time, she was giving me positive vibes.

At night

Irene will come tonight to help me. She told me we can try using a Ouija board to contact Diana, if it doesn't work, she can use her special way in contacting. When the doorbell jingled, I hastily opened the door. Rose and Liam was already here at house, because if we'll play Ouija, there have to be a group of 3 or 4.

“Let's start?” Irene asked us. We all glanced at each other, scared of what is going to happen playing this game. Then I sighed and nodded, “Let's start.”

We sat down on the dinning table, all of us placing our fingers on the planchette. We started drawing a circle on the board with the planchette, chanting the mantra. then Irene said “Is there anyone here with us?”

Silence. Pounding hearts. Heavy breaths.

“is there anyone here with us?.” Irene repeated. Just then, the planchette moved to 'Yes'

who are you?” Rose asked.


what do you want?” I asked.

The box

I felt so horrified.

Then the lights went off. We heard a bang upstairs, I shivered in fear as we tilted our heads to look above. I could see something on the ceiling, but because it was so dark, I couldn't make out what's it.

“Guys, something is on the ceiling.” I warned them. Rose took out her phone and lit the searchlight in her mobile. She reluctantly directed it towards the ceiling. What we saw there was a breathtaking sight...


hey guys! Do you like this chapter? I hope so!

So the story is going to end in chapter 21 or 22, I'm still not sure. But it's going to end so soon :(

But I hope you enjoyed the story because I'm putting so much effort into it. I know it's not perfect but I'm 12, I'm still young.

So don't only read,
Spread happiness and joy by voting and commenting :)
Bye! ❤😃

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