Chapter 18: Back and mine!

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Liam’s Pov

My heart was broken, my body hurt, I feel completely empty, and the only thing I was thinking about was Sophie’s limp, lifeless and pale body.

The way she said my name one last time, that couldn’t be the last time she said it!

It can’t be!

I’ve been sitting in the hospital for almost a month and I still couldn’t go see Sophie, they said she was in a coma.

 I didn’t leave my hospital chair one second. 

The boys and my family came every day for news.

But nothing really changed in these 5 days.

I had to see Sophie. 

It’s 9 pm.

I saw a doctor walking inside Sophie’s room.

They checked on her every half an hour the first 2 days, now it’s every hour.

10 minutes later the doctor came back out her room, and her looked at me, he smiled a little and he walked towards me.

I sat up.

Hoping for the best.

“hi liam” he said shaking my hand.

“hello doctor Poys” I greeted. He smiled.

“any news?” I asked him.

he was sophie doctor, she has a lot of doctors but he was the most important one.

“actually I do, you may go see her, she still is in a coma but you may go to her” he smiled.

My face lit up. I jumped up .

“thank you so much doctor” I said truthfully.

He smiled and motioned towards her door.

I ran towards her door.

I grabbed the door handle, preparing myself for the worst.

I opened the door.

 This was lost worse than I expected worse to be.

She was hooked up with needles and tubes in her arms, there was a bandage around her chest, and a mask on her mouth, to stimulate her breathing.

 There was a machine next to her bed, which kept making a slowly beeping sound.

She looked pale and still lifeless.

A tear rolled down my face again. And I went to sit next to her on one of the hospital chairs.

 I grabbed her hand. And kissed it carefully, like it was the most fragile thing in the world. Maybe it was.

“hi” I whispered, not knowing what else to say.

“sophie I’m so sorry! I really am, please stay with me” I cried, hoping she could hear me.

Sophie’s Pov

It’s dark, it so dark, to dark, I can’t hear anything, I can’t move, I can’t smell, I can’t see.

 Laying here felt like ages, nothing changed, from time to time I could hear somebody call my name, their voices, they reminded me of my parents.

The dark space around me was now replaced by a bright creamy light, there were a lot of people around me, all walking towards 1 point.

I didn’t know where they all came from, nobody said a word, they didn’t turn around once, they were all focused on that one point in front of them.

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