𝟙𝟝: 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜?

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It's been a while since Taehyung went on a date, especially after that date. He shivered, thinking about how bad his last date was. He hoped this next one wasn't as bad, or bad at all.

He was with Jin as they worked together. They started to work on a project since Taesa's birthday was soon. They wanted to make her a playhouse, which required time and patience.

Him and jin were currently disagreeing on the color of the house. Jin wanted it to be pink, whereas Taehyung wanted it to be her favorite color, pastel blue.

"Come on Tae, just let us paint it pink, it's every girl's color." Jin begged, but Taehyung shook his head.

"I think she would like it to be her favorite color, hmm, don't you think?" Jin groaned, pulling his hair.

"You know what? Let's just ask her other favorite person." Taehyung nodded as Jin pulled out his phone. He called their number and put it on speaker, both of them getting close to the phone.

"Hello?" The soft voice said, shhing the person with them as the laughed.

"What are you doing Jae?" Jin asked, feeling like they shouldn't know what's behind that shh and laugh.

"I'm with a friend right now. We went shopping and I'm trying to get them to be quite." The other person laughed and said something, but Jin and Taehyung couldn't hear it.

"Alright big mouth, shut up." She giggled and rolled her eyes, even though they couldn't see it.

"Anyway, what's up?" Jin sighed.

"Me and Taehyung have been arguing for the past 15 minutes over what color we should paint Taesa's playhouse." He pouted, Taehyung simply rolling his eyes.

"Oh that's simple, paint it her favorite color." Jin's mouth dropped as his eyes widened while Taehyung was cheering in self glory.

"Ha! Yes! I knew I was right! Thank you Jae! I love you!" He hung the phone up before looking at Jin with a smirk. Jin rolled his eyes at the younger.

"Shut up." Taehyung giggled and grabbed her favorite color bucket.

After a while, the 2 finished part of their job, the other part being the inside.

Taehyung was sitting on his bed as he received a message.

From howtofindlove.com:
So sorry this is late notice, but it looks like you have a date for tonight at 8! We deeply apologize that your last date was a mess and we hope this one is even better. You will go to The Deluxe Kitchen. Hope it goes great!

Taehyung looks at the time to see it's only 5. He widens his eyes and starts to freak out, his thoughts from earlier were now coming back.

What if they are like him? What if they only want me for my body? What if they want to kidnap me or beat me up until I can't move and take my stuff?

His thoughts came to a stop when his phone went off. He picked it up to see it was Jungkook. He hummed in curiosity and answered.

"Hey Kookie!" He smiled and giggled a little, then blushed, feeling like a weirdo. Jungkook chuckled.

"Hey Tae, look, I need you help." Taehyung could hear him sigh through the phone.

"Ok, address what you need."

"Well, I have this thing to go to tonight and I need to find a nice outfit, can you help me out?" Taehyung felt a smile creep more onto his face.

"Sure, just FaceTime me." He heard Jungkook say a simple ok before seeing Jungkook asking to FaceTime. He accepted and smiled when he saw Jungkook's face.

ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕥𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖.𝕔𝕠𝕞 (𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن