𝟚𝟚: 𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖

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The younger chuckled and shook his head, a big smile on his face as he looked at all the little kids in the room. How did he not know about this?

"Wait, so this is the important meeting?" Jae asked, watching as Taesa talked with a few kids her age.

"Yeah, I started doing this about a year or 2 after I started working at my dad's company. I met my wife one day at school since she was new and we always talked about how much we loved kids. So instead of actually taking my father's job after school, I did college for the 4 years I had to do and now here I am." He smiled happily as a kid came up to him, tugging his pants.

"I'll be right back." He told his love and his bestie before going over to a couple. Taehyung couldn't stop smiling at how cute this was. It was the most sweetest this ever-


Is this why he was absent a lot at work and was only there from 3:15 to 6:30???

That makes more since now!

Gosh I'm so stupid.

He went over to Taesa and hugged her softly, earning a little squeal from her.

"How long have you known this missy?" She giggled as she was pressed with kisses all over.

"Since the beginning of school silly. Even Jinnie knew!"

Oh that's right.

He took her to school on the first day.

He's got some explaining and some butt hitting to do.

As Taehyung was in his thoughts and watched Taesa play with some toys, Jungkook made his way over to Jae as she leaned against a bookshelf filled with books and toy boxes at the bottom.

"This is cute, you know?" She admitted, making him chuckle as he leaned up against the colorful light blue wall.

"This has always been a dream of mine. I've just thought of Gucci as my side job that paid extremely well. Teachers don't get paid as much, so that's why I started to work at Gucci."

"Me and Jimin didn't start until we were 20, and he didn't want to start until I was ready to start since he's older than me." She smiled her sweet smile and they both watched as Taehyung now joined the game with 5 little kids, making them both cooe.

"Taehyung would be a great parent." The male commented, earning a nod from the girl.

"Indeed. Ever since Taesa was born, all he did was make sure she was happy." A sigh left her lips as she turned to look at the teacher, who looked back at her.

"The Kim's parents weren't your ideal kind of parents. I'm pretty sure Taehyung told you, but his parents divorced and left the 3 of them whenever Taesa was just a few months old, leaving them all alone. My family decided to help them with housing until they could get good jobs, which they do now, but it was so hard on all of them, especially on Taehyung. He was only 18 when they left his life."

"And I see they also didn't attend his birthday party either." She shook her head and looked at the power duo playing pattie cake.

"And they probably won't show up for hers." He quickly looked at her with big eyes.

"When's her birthday?"

"April the 12th. It's on a Sunday, so we will have a birthday party at their house with her friends." They watched as Taehyung and the little kids laughed really loud, Taehyung falling onto the floor laughing so hard.

"Taesa Unnie~ that was stupid." A little girl said as Taesa pouted.

"I didn't mean to!"

"Well now you lost your fish." A little boy said, grinning. Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕥𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖.𝕔𝕠𝕞 (𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora