𝟞𝟙: 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕄𝕪 ℍ𝕒𝕟𝕕

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Walking down the hall that Taehyung was staying in, flowers in his hand while another held an adorable caramel teddy bear, the raven was quite nervous to see his lover.

Why you may ask? Well it would be what most lovers would feel like after they know they failed their part, they failed to keep their family safe when they knew they could.

So once he stood at the door and saw his pretty lover resting in the hospital bed, his purple gown on with his one of his arms in wires while the other held a hospital bracelet, he knew he shouldn't even be here.

But there he was, resting like an angel with his hands on his belly while his breaths were soft and gentle while the machine showed his heartbeat being at a normal rate.

I'm sorry I couldn't keep you away from here before our babies were born.

I know you only wanted to be here to give birth to them, yet I almost failed to keep you 3 alive.

Walking into the room with uneasy steps, he smiled softly at the raven placed his gifts on the table closest to the bed before he pulled up a chair, making sure not to wake up the sleeping brunette before carefully sitting down, since he was still extremely sore.

He looked down at his hands and made sure they weren't that cold hospital feeling before softly placing his left hand on the other's right hand, which was currently placed on his round belly.

"I know you're asleep my love, but I'm so proud of you for staying strong. I'm so proud you were able to save our babies and tried your very best not to give up. That's one thing I love about you Tae baby. You keep fighting for what really matters." Jungkook whispers, a small smile plastered on his face while he looked at Taehyung resting on, how it showed no pain, no sadness, just calmness and peace.

"The uhh...the others are all here actually, your mom, my parents, and the rest of our family and friends. They were called here the minute after they treated me, but I couldn't think straight whenever they came in with all their questions. I was scared you and our little angels wouldn't make it out alive." With a tear falling down his face, a soft chuckle escaped his lips while he looked down at his stomach.

"You know, we only have a few weeks left before we get to see our angels, I know you're excited about that. I can't to spend our last Christmas together before our babies are in our arms, all ready for next Christmas." As he chuckled again at just the thought of having his kids in his arms while Yeontan ran around them playfully, wanting to lick the babies faces while they opened gifts as a family, he looked at the younger and sadly frowned when he remembered he couldn't hear him.

"I hope you get better soon my love, I'll be here waiting for you." Patting the younger's hand softly, he changed his hands to get in a more comfortable position before he found himself drifting back asleep.

After an hour has past, the boy woke up to a pain in his back, causing him to wake up with a groan.

Dang, why the hell does my back hurt so bad?

As he opened his eyes, he could start to hear the sounds of machines beeping one after another, his clothes that he previously had on before now gone, but replaced with a purple gown, and his right arm was covered in wires and needles while his other arm carried a wristband and a warm hand.

Once he came more to his senses, a smile arose from his face as he saw his lover sleeping in a weird position in the chair next to him, causing him to almost go into a fit of laughter, if it wasn't for the pain that was holding him back.

Shit, Sehun really had to do that number to me.

Groaning a little bit more as he tried to sit up some, he accidentally squeezed his boyfriend's hand, causing him to stir a little in his sleep before his doe eyes slowly opened.

"Oh shit, you're awake." He cursed, getting up a little bit too quickly before helping him with his pillows.

"Are you ok Ggukie, you look like you're in pain." Taehyung said, a pout on his face whenever he looked at his boyfriend's pained face.

"Yeah, I'm fine baby boy. My back and stomach just hurts, that's all." Going to kiss the younger's face, the older smiled softly at him before sitting down slowly this time.

"What did the doctor say? Is our babies ok?" The younger asked, watching as the older sighed before he held his hand.

"Jin told me that he said the babies are fine, you fell on your side, plus your arms were covering your stomach, which saved the babies. He said you had a small tear in your uterus, but it wasn't enough to cause any damage on the babies, but since it was torn, it was the reason why you lost so much blood, but besides that, you're in good condition, just a bruised side and a pained back from whenever that bastard kicked you to the ground." The older explained, a soft smile placed on his lips as he stared into his lover's eyes.

"You made it though, and I'm so proud of you." With tears filling his eyes, the younger smiled back at the older, their hands squeezing tighter as they share this moment together.

"I also had a question to ask you, but I want to honestly know what you want to do." Jungkook said, causing Taehyung to tilt his head.


"The doctor wants to know if you want to stay here in case they come early or if something does happen to them while we sleep or something. But he said it is totally fine that we go back home and wait the full time and the day they actually come." As Taehyung scrunches his nose a little to think, he looks down at their hands, not really sure what to say.

"I don't want to be here for Christmas Ggukie, I want to spend our Christmas together at home, in front of the tree, opening presents as we listen to Christmas music and wear matching pjs. I don't want to be stuck here and celebrate Christmas at a hospital, plus I'll gag if I have to spend it on my birthday." The brunette explained, watching as the raven laughed before nodding his head.

"That's totally fine baby, I'll let the doctor know our answer." Getting up from his chair slowly, he starts to walk away, whenever the brunette grabs his hand again, causing him to turn around.

"Thank you...I don't really know what I would've done if you weren't there. I was scared he was going to rape me or hurt our babies." The raven smiled at the word 'our' as he stared at his lover.

"You're welcome baby boy, anything for the love of my life and my family."

ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕥𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖.𝕔𝕠𝕞 (𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜)Where stories live. Discover now