40. Tentative Alliance

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The next morning we prepared to depart the Prydwen. After a very welcome shower in Danse's minuscule bathroom, we made our way to the mess hall for breakfast. Proctor Ingram gave us a preliminary report of her findings while we ate. "I can confirm the Institute origins of your Pip-Boy. We have been able to prove to our satisfaction that it is you controlling the device, and not the other way around. That was part of the test from last night. I apologize for the painfulness of the assessment, as we were initially unaware of the extent of your cybernetic enhancements. The programming we were able to decipher- and it didn't exactly want to cooperate -seems designed to amplify the execution of your thoughts, making your body move accordingly for the situation, like picking locks. For those few actions it invokes, it pretty much makes you a temporary expert, which is quite a feat of engineering. If we had such an enhancement for our own fighters, it would make the Brotherhood a truly unstoppable force."

Ingram didn't notice the apprehensive look I exchanged with MacCready, and continued on. "I can also tell you that those sensor cathodes encompass your entire body, head to toe along your nerve conduits...it's quite impressive, and certainly gives me a lot of material to research into cybernetic enhancements," she added, motioning to her own mechanical assistance for her missing legs. "The results of our examination are fascinating, and a valuable addition to our technical arsenal. I want to personally thank you for bringing this device to our attention."

"You're welcome," I replied, a little subdued. "So, can you figure out how it brought me here, or how I can get home?"

The engineer frowned. "No. All of that information seems to be contained inside the section of your device that came from your own world. We couldn't break the coding, but we'll keep trying." She paused for a moment, tapping her fingers in thought. "Speaking of location, we do know the Institute code has sampled your DNA as part of its programming, and it appears to be keeping it in part of the MAP section, in addition to your STAT screen, which is decidedly unusual." She shrugged, an action rendered quite impressive through her power armor. "I wish I had more to give you, but our main focus was making sure you weren't an Institute sleeper agent." Straightening up, she added before heading back to her duties, "if we find out anything relevant to your search, I'll have Paladin Danse contact you. Good luck getting home, Sarge. Ad Victoriam."

Shortly after Ingram left, Elder Maxson called us in to his meeting room for a final meeting before our departure. Danse was already there, along with a couple of other Brotherhood members I hadn't met. The meeting was rather enlightening, as Maxson had given serious thought to my proposal to have the Brotherhood of Steel work with the Minutemen. Together, we sketched out a plan proposing the Brotherhood Knights help defend Minutemen settlements in exchange for supplies and fresh food. I was able to send a message to General Garvey through my Pip-Boy that we would arrive in Sanctuary via vertibird with Paladin Danse to discuss the suggested alliance with him.

While waiting for his reply, Elder Maxson made it quite plain that if I were to request additional help from the Brotherhood, I would have to earn it. Since we were going to be exploring the Commonwealth anyway, we may as well keep our eyes out for technological items of interest. A short list of desired items was soon added to my Pip-Boy, as well as the suggestion that if we were to perform missions for the Brotherhood, it would strengthen our reputation with the faction and make it more likely for them to cooperate in the future. We would not go uncompensated in the meantime, and MacCready gleefully stepped in at that point to negotiate the fees for our assistance to the Brotherhood of Steel as civilian liaisons.

Quid pro quo, the life of a mercenary, I guess. At least we'll be earning a decent living if we choose to work for them. Having enough caps on hand to resupply and keep our gear in good shape was important, and I was very glad MacCready had experience in those matters. I just wish we had a more permanent base of operations than a hotel room, somewhere we could stay in between journeys and store extra gear. It's tough living out of a backpack.

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