31. Return to Goodneighbor

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Daisy greeted us warmly as we entered her shop. "MacCready! I haven't seen you in a while. You haven't been avoiding me, have you?" She gave me a wink as he sauntered up to the counter, grinning flirtatiously at her.

"Now how could I stay away from someone as cute as you, Daisy?" Oozing charm, he placed a genteel kiss on the back of her extended withered hand.

Daisy laughed a low, delighted chuckle. "You're a lousy liar, but I'll just play stupid and pretend I don't know that. So, what did you need?" Instantly, she was all business again, leaning possessively on the counter.

"I got it, Daisy." MacCready's voice cracked with emotion. "I found the cure to Duncan's disease."

Daisy's face lit up with unrestrained joy. "Oh my god! That's wonderful news." She lowered her voice inquiringly. "How did you do it? Last time you tried, the ferals almost chewed you to bits."

MacCready tugged on his cap, giving me a sheepish look. He'd tried it by himself? He was desperate. "I didn't do it alone this time. My friend here got me through Med-Tek." Placing the precious canister on the counter along with the folded note he wrote that morning, he pushed them both across towards Daisy. "Now all I need to do is get the cure into Duncan's hands. Can you help me?"

She smiled warmly, "Of course, MacCready. You've saved my behind more than once, it's the least I can do. I'll get the sample on the first caravan leaving the Commonwealth. The driver owes me a few favors and he's reliable." Placing the items in a small metal container for safekeeping, she stowed it behind the counter. "It will arrive at the homestead in no time."

"Thanks, you're a doll." With a broad grin, he stepped over to Kill or Be Killed to barter with KL-E-0.

Daisy watched him go with a smile on her face before turning to me. "Looks like friendship agrees with him." She gave me a sly wink. "And you're looking a little less bewildered as well." Gesturing for me to step closer, she clasped my hand warmly and whispered to me. "Hey, do me a favor. Take care of MacCready for me. He's one of the good ones."

I met her conspiratorial smile with one of my own. "I will, Daisy... and you're right. He is." He really is. I don't know how I'd survive without him. Giving her hand a quick squeeze in gratitude, I left to rejoin MacCready, who was just stepping into the street.

"Let's try to find Hancock while we're in town," I suggested, catching up with him.

"No need," a raspy voice spoke in my ear as the Ghoul himself sidled in seemingly out of nowhere for a hearty hug, startling me for a moment. "Hancock found you first, Sunshine!" With a cocky grin, he snaked his arm out to drag MacCready into a three-way embrace with himself in the middle. "Hey, MacCready, how's it hangin'?"

"Hancock!" my companion replied in a hearty tone. "How's the coolest Ghoul in the Commonwealth?"

Hancock chuckled, steering us towards The Third Rail, "Perishing for a drink, some Jet, and the company of the two people I most wanted to see today. Let's take over the VIP room and celebrate your return to town, shall we?"

The VIP room was tucked around the corner from the main bar area. I found out that MacCready usually hung out there when he was looking for clients, and he surveyed the area with an almost proprietary air. "Still the same dump it always was," he commented humorously, "ah well, at least the drinks are plentiful." He took a seat on one of the couches as I perused the room, curiously inspecting the knickknacks in the glass-fronted cabinets and decorations scattered about the walls.

A few moments later, Hancock entered the room, arms full of bottles, trailed by a couple of attractive ladies in outfits that looked like the poor girls would freeze to death if they stepped outside. Each of them also carried a selection of intoxicants, which they set up on a small table.

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