39. Further Examinations

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The Prydwen was a marvel of technological engineering. The airship reminded me of nothing more than a downsized, floating aircraft carrier. It was enormous, set in three levels, and every space was dedicated to furthering the Brotherhood of Steel's mission. On the second level where we followed Paladin Danse, the private quarters of the high ranking officers were in front, then offices and the medical bay, followed by the mess hall, all strung along a very long steel walkway. Next came a series of bays, with stairs leading up to the sleeping bunks and off-duty areas, completely out in the open to anyone walking by, though each cot had a secured footlocker at its foot. The Prydwen seemed to stretch out forever, but we hadn't reached the end yet.

I did stop suddenly at the sight of a cat making its leisurely way along the hall. "You have cats here?" I exclaimed, delighted. Crouching down, I held out my hand for the tabby to sniff, offering a quick head scratch to the animal's evident pleasure. Reluctantly, I left the cat to its own devices to continue following Danse. MacCready shook his head in amusement.

"Cats?" asked our guide. "Oh yes. Proctor Quinlan, in charge of our Scribes, is quite fond of them. We keep a couple on board for good luck."

Finally, we reached the repair bay, a very large area near the back of the ship. Several workbenches, cargo shelves, and power armor stations stood in precise formation, occupied and busy even at this hour in the mid-evening. Behind the repair bay was the supply depot, manned by an older Brotherhood member standing inside a locked armory cage. The whole thing reminded me of nothing more than a compressed Army base, but with a lot less privacy. If we're here long enough, I don't relish having to sleep on a cot in an open bay.

Danse approached a red-haired woman wearing power armor. Hers was not as well plated as our guide's, being more of a basic exoskeleton. When we got closer, the reason became quite clear as both of the woman's legs had been amputated well above the knee. Yet she moved confidently, obviously quite used to the mechanical assistance. "Meet Proctor Ingram, our lead engineer," he began.

Once the initial introductions were over, Proctor Ingram took instant charge of the situation by... marching us straight back to the front of the Prydwen and the med bay. "You could have saved yourself the trip, but I guess it's a good way to sneak in a tour of the ol' gal." she commented pleasantly, obviously proud of her work as the engineer getting the Prydwen airborne in the first place. "Once I heard that thing attaches directly to you," she continued, pointing at my arm, "I set up my kit in Knight-Captain Cade's exam room. We can kill two birds with one stone; scan that Pip-Boy of yours and give you a physical at the same time."

"Why do I need a physical?" I glanced up at Danse, who shook his head slightly, which I couldn't decipher.

"Aren't you joining us?" she asked, eyebrows raising in surprise.

"No. Elder Maxson and I came to a slightly different agreement. I have other obligations." I stated carefully. "I'm working with, not for, the Brotherhood of Steel."

Ingram shrugged in acquiescence. "A physical is still a good idea. It'll give us an idea of what's going on in there."

I wasn't so sure, but it was too late to object as the four of us swept in to the medical bay. Knight-Captain Cade was already waiting for us, and we made our way to the back examination room. Since the room wasn't large enough for five people, two of whom were wearing power armor, Paladin Danse stayed in the main bay. When Ingram would have protested MacCready's presence, I flatly insisted. "He's my bodyguard. He stays with me." Mac smirked a little in triumph, folding his arms and taking a stand near the head of the padded table where I lay down for the examination. I had to take off my pack and armor to do so, leaving the items in Danse's possession, and felt much more secure with MacCready there.

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