33. The Railroad

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The Railroad was a group dedicated to saving Synths. "The Institute created them. Synthetic humans. They're mostly organic, part machine. Somewhere along the line they became more than just constructs. They think, they feel, and they act just like you and me." Desdemona declared passionately. "They are so close to 'real' people that the distinction is meaningless. If it's impossible to tell a single difference between a synth and a human - they must be treated the same. The Institute treats synths as property; as tools. So we seek to free the synths from their bondage. Give them a chance at a real life." She nodded at Deacon, who was walking next to her, leading us into the vaulted stone-walled chamber.

"I can see that," I commented carefully. "But I'm also not from here, so I'm still new to the whole concept." MacCready huffed sardonically behind me.

"As long as you keep an open mind and don't interfere with our mission, you're welcome to stay... for now." Desdemona had reached the center of the underground catacomb the Railroad was using as their headquarters. She turned to face me, leaning against the stone platform being used as a mission table. "We may ask for your help in exchange for helping you. Deacon said you need help getting home?"

"I wish it were that simple." I said, launching into my story, including the theories we had gathered in our journey around the Commonwealth. To their credit, neither Desdemona nor Deacon appeared skeptical of my story, merely nodding in understanding occasionally. When I stuttered to a stop, they stood quietly for a few moments, thinking.

"What do you think, Deacon?" she finally asked.

"Not the most outrageous story I've heard." he said. "Hell, it's not even the most outrageous story I've told." he added wryly.

"Considering your stories, Deacon, I'd believe that in a heartbeat" Desdemona crossed her arms again. "Well, since you invited them and vouched for them, I'd say they're your responsibility. I've got enough on my plate already without dealing with crazy sci-fi theories. See what Tom has to say," she suggested, turning back to the map on the main table, dismissing us.

Deacon rubbed his hands together in exuberant glee. "All right! I get my own mystery to solve! With help, of course." He motioned for us to head over to one corner dominated by computer equipment and a variety of workbenches. "Meet Tinker Tom, the Commonwealth's premiere eccentric genius extraordinaire." A ostentatious flourish pointed out a tall, thin figure bent over one of the workbenches.

Tinker Tom whirled around at the introduction. He was an energetic black man dressed in faded overalls and a leather cap covered in a large selection of lenses and wires. The impression I got was of a Wasteland equivalent to a tin foil hat, and the accompanying paranoia associated with it. Behind me, I heard MacCready muffle a snicker.

"Well, hello there, traveler from distant lands!" he exclaimed in excited greeting. "I couldn't help but listen in on your story. You're the proof I need to expand on some of my pet theories, you know?" He spoke quickly, his words nearly tumbling over themselves in his haste. "And I just happen to be the Wasteland's leading expert on the Institute outside of the cancerous organization itself." His fingers twitched almost unconsciously towards my Pip-Boy. "If that thing on your arm is connected to the Institute in any way, I'll find it for you!"

I held out my arm. "You think it might be? The Brotherhood members were only speculating."

To Deacon's unmistakable amusement, Tom had moved forward as if possessed, running his hands over every surface of my Pip-Boy. I held still as he traced the visible electrical lines leading into my fingers and arm. "Oh, wow man!" He pulled down one of the many lenses from his cap, examining my arm closely. "Wow. This is something else!" Flipping the lens back up, he let go of my arm with extreme reluctance. "Can you remove it? I would love to run that baby through a Tinker Tom special diagnostic scan. It'll find anything and everything the Institute has hidden in there."

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