52. Escape

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To my hopeful surprise, he unlatched the restraints keeping me from moving. "First things first," he said in a soothingly neutral tone, "I've been directed to escort you to the facilities." He pressed a series of buttons on the computer wall in rapid succession, detaching my Pip-Boy's connection and retracting the cable. Helping me sit up, he led me over to the pile of clean clothes. "Since you are going to be walking around, I suggest you get dressed."

The outfit was a brand new Institute uniform tunic and trousers, gray and white trimmed with blue sleeves. Inside the folded pile, I found a concealed folding knife just small enough to fit in a pocket. My freshly cleaned leather combat boots completed the outfit, and I felt much more secure once fully clothed. Z1-87 had given me what privacy he could during the process, but turned around as soon as the sound of rustling cloth had stilled.

"Much better," he approved. "Follow me."

The facilities briefly caused a moment of homesickness, they were so clean and normal looking. I sheepishly reveled in the feel of the fluffy white towels after washing my hands with warm soapy water. Yes, this is pretty amazing, but at what cost? Hoarding technology and resources? Why haven't they tried to help the people on the surface?

Returning to the examination room, Z1 assisted me back on the gurney, but ostensibly "forgot" to reattach the restraints when he covered me back up with the sheet. "I am supposed to feed you myself," he explained, "but as you are perfectly capable of independent movement, I do not see the necessity of doing so. I will remain here until you have completed your meal."

Bringing the tray over, he set it up across my lap. With a flourish that brought a fleeting smile to my face, he lifted the cover to display a perfectly cooked meal. Oh my, MacCready would love this. Clean water to drink, crisp vegetables, noodles in a tangy sauce, and even a formed protein patty of some kind. Legume based, unless I miss my guess. Guess there aren't too many places to graze herds around here, so a vegan diet makes sense. My body cried out for the good, filling nourishment provided by the Institute food, even as I felt amazingly guilty for the craving.

Z1-87 had his own commentary. "It looks like they want to win you over," he appraised. "Most meals here are not quite as... distinct in appearance."

"Hmmm." Figures. Why is it every high-tech organization has a penchant for food in goop form?

When I finished every scrap of the delicious food, Z1 came back over to take the tray. As he reached for the side handles, a small plastic oblong landed in my lap. "I bring aid," he said quietly, almost too quietly for me to hear despite our proximity. "We have a few mutual friends on both sides of the surface. While the computer systems struggle to deal with the burrowing programs your friend sent us via your device, my allies here will facilitate your escape as best we can without breaking our cover." He straightened up with the tray. "I have not officially been ordered to reattach your Pip-Boy, so I will not. Keep an eye on your, ah, newest accessory. When it is time, use it in the transmission room to return and erase your path. Good luck."

Still moving smoothly, he left the room with the tray, suggesting lightly as he turned down the lights, "You might want to take a nap after such a good meal. You will not be disturbed."

Oh-ho, I thought, palming the device. Tom thought ahead. I wonder how he managed to let the fugitive Synths here know I needed help? No matter, as I lay back into the crisp clean bedding, I'll be back with MacCready soon, but not soon enough.

Sleep was long in coming, fitful and filled with nightmares. After killing the Deathclaw, and the resulting panic-dream reaction, MacCready's presence had kept the frightful nocturnal visions away. This was the first night I had spent without him since he signed on as my bodyguard, and his absence emboldened my subconscious fears, causing me to bolt awake in fright more than once, reaching for the warm companion who wasn't there. I finally managed a light doze, barely more than a trance-like rest.

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