43. Lessons in Sniping

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We started at the top of the obelisk. After demonstrating with his own beloved sniper, MacCready helped me set up my new rifle, teaching me how to brace it for long-range sweeps of the scope. When we located our first target, a mutant hound, he guided my arms, pulling the butt of the gun snugly against my shoulder, hands overlapping mine cradling the barrel. We breathed together, his chest against my back, timing the trigger squeeze for the natural pause at the end of an exhale. Even knowing I had V.A.T.S. as a backup, I was stubbornly determined to learn how to use the weapon properly without it, when the danger was less. After all, I have a trained sniper willing to show me how to use this thing properly.

The first round hit, but only crippled the beast. Quickly, I lined up a second shot, which crumpled the stationary animal's head into a bloody mess. "Not bad," MacCready assessed, "you're not using your Pip-Boy, are you?"

I shook my head. "I'm trying to learn not to. If those Institute Synths can home in on it, the less I use it, the better."

"Huh. Good point, though don't hesitate to use it if you need to." He stood up to scan the visible area with his own scope. "Better to use it and stay alive. We can deal with the Institute response if and when it happens." Lowering the scope, he motioned for me to pack up. "Nothing else out there from this vantage point. Let's move along to another one, Boss."

Moving from rooftop to rooftop, we traversed the general route from Bunker Hill to the Old North Church, taking out any opposition we saw from our greater vantage point. The benefit to sniping from such a lofty position was that our targets, mostly Super Mutants this close the center of Boston, were unaware of our location, and would generally mill around in confusion, allowing us to take our time lining up the best shots. The downside to sniping from on high, I thought, wheezing as we ascended yet another flight of creaky steps, is having to climb up and down so many stairs. My legs are going to be so sore tomorrow. MacCready had already set up at the corner of the roof, the lessons quickly escalating into a friendly competition between us.

"All right, Boss," he grinned. "Looks like we have a camp of Super Mutants blocking the street over that way." Waiting for me to set up, our rifles adjacent, legs touching as we took advantage of the same sight line, he whispered, "The church is the next building over from that one over there, so this should be our last fight before we reach it. I hope Desdemona will appreciate what we're doing for the Railroad with a little tangible thank you." He rubbed his finger and thumb together in an obvious monetary gesture. "I can't buy ammunition with goodwill."

"We'll just have to see, Mac." Relaxing into an almost trance-like mental state, I whispered, "Sight on the one by the burning barrel. Ready?"

"Born that way."

"Take 'em out."

The crack of our sniper rifles heralded the usual boiling confusion as our targets scattered, trying to locate the enemies who had just taken out one of their own. At first, I focused on crippling the giant green humanoids, knowing they were too tough for anything but a perfect head shot to kill them instantly. If they were unable to move, however, I had the time to fill them with rounds. MacCready, living up to his reputation as the best gun in the Commonwealth, took out three times as many targets in less time, using much less ammunition. Once the last of the visible Super Mutants had fallen, we concentrated on scanning the area around the blockade for any survivors.

"Anything?" I asked my companion. I hadn't seen any movement, but MacCready's eyesight was vastly superior to mine.

"No. All clear." He grinned avariciously, "Let's go grab the loot."

"I don't think so, rookie!" A deep gravely voice called out from directly behind us. Simultaneously, a boot connected with the side of my head, stunning me. Through the haze of pain, I was vaguely aware of my arms being wrenched behind my back. Raiders!

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