18. Land Navigation

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Ellie found us the next morning as we were haggling over prices from our haul with one of the shopkeepers. "Nick heard you two were back in town. He sent me with an update." She handed me an orange and white data tape identical to the one holding my memories. As soon as I took it, she gave us a cheery wave and walked away. I stepped away from the shopfront, trusting MacCready to get the best prices for our loot, and inserted the tape into my Pip-Boy. The speaker crackled to life.

"This is Nick Valentine. Got some more reliable info about those people you were looking for. Heard they were headed north towards Concord, but they weren't exactly setting the pace themselves if you get my drift. This tape should mark the location on your map. I suggest you and that scowling bodyguard of yours get up there post-haste if you want to catch them alive. Nick, out."

Sure enough, when I clicked to the MAP screen, there was the outline of a city icon off to the northwest. MacCready poked his head over my shoulder as I was trying to figure out the distance. "What's that?" he asked curiously, handing me a reasonably hefty bag of caps and additional shotgun magazines, my cut of the profit.

"Nick has an update for us, but we have to move fast if we're going to make it in time. You ready to go?"

"I'm always up for a fight. Let's get this show on the road!" The easy confidence in his voice and cocky grin on his face called up an answering smile on mine.

As we moved north towards Concord, occasional glances at my Pip-Boy showed my map slowly filling up with bare outlines, landmarks and roads, places we might want to return to later. We needed to get to Concord as quickly as possible, but it seemed almost as far away as when we started a few hours ago. We had left the road to follow a more direct route utilizing an old railroad track. I was trying my best, but it had been a long time since I had done any sort of long-distance foot travel. The unfamiliar armor and soreness from the previous night's forced march added to my struggle. At least my ribs don't hurt, I thought, trying to focus on the positive.

MacCready strode along with an easy swing to his legs, his lean form appearing to glide over the broken railroad track we were following. I knew I probably looked like a beached seal, humping along determinedly, huffing and puffing. Every once in a while I noticed him glancing back, a curious look in his eyes. And every time I caught him peering at me, I put my head down in embarrassed determination and forced myself to pick up the pace. Every step I took was a step closer to getting to Concord, to help people who may be able to help me get back home.

After about the fifth time this happened, MacCready stopped entirely and let me catch up. I staggered past him, knowing if I stopped, I wasn't going to get started again. He walked next to me for a few minutes before commenting, "We're not going to get there today, you know."

"We're not?" I panted.

He shook his head. "Nu-uh, especially not at this rate."

Stung by his words, I attempted to stride along in an approximation of his lanky gait. That lasted for about six paces before my legs screamed at me to stop. Refusing to listen, I dug deep into my willpower to keep going, one step in front of the other. Every step forward is one step closer, I repeated to myself. Just don't stop. Realizing MacCready was still watching my labored progress with a mildly amused smirk, I snapped at him, "I'm trying!"

"Yes, you are," he teased lightly, the double entendre obvious. "Bet you miss your car right now."

"You have no idea," I groaned. "How do you get from one place to another with any kind of speed?"

"We don't, usually. Between walking everywhere and the inevitable fighting along the way..." he mused for a moment, "though, I have seen how fast pack brahmin can move. Maybe we can get one from a trader for you to ride," he laughed.

Fallout 4: ARTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon