64. Say Something

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Emerging from the Dugout Inn, I noticed the radstorm had dissipated. It was mid-morning, and the shops were open for customers, the irradiated rain having soaked into the ground or evaporated. Due to the storm, there were very few people aside from the shopkeepers and some security guards posted about. That's a lucky break, I thought, nervously twitching my bandanna over my nose a bit more, but all it takes is one person to recognize me. I'm scared.

It felt decidedly lonely to wander Diamond City without my partner at my side. I had been used to being alone and fending for myself back in my own world. But here, everything was different, and I realized with a pang of sadness how much I needed my partner. Even when he was acting like an asshole, I knew he had my back. It's been less than a day since he collapsed, and I'm terrified to even go shopping without him. When he's around I can be brave, but now? I'm one confrontation away from breaking down in fear.

Now I know why MacCready said he doesn't like to be alone. Even though it was supposedly safe inside the "Great Green Jewel," it wasn't really, not with the Institute's agents on the hunt. And it's not just the Institute. All it would take is a respectably dressed raider with a chip on their shoulder and a handgun to get past the guards and bang! Dead. Sure, Diamond City security would be all over them, too late for the victim. It would be much easier to spot trouble with two sets of eyes. But Mac is sick, and he won't get better unless I help. Breathe. Move. You can do this.

Grabbing a firm hold of my courage, I visited a few of the stalls, mostly looking for purified water and items that might be useful for an extended stay in a small room. The shopkeepers were a bit wary when I fake coughed and sniffled my way though the transactions, but seemed to accept the tale of an ambushed caravan. Aside from a stern "Keep your distance if you're sick!" and the somewhat helpful suggestion to get purified water directly from the lad manning the purifier in the former outfield, there was little conversation.

Not wanting to push my luck, I wrapped up the shopping trip as quickly as possible, cautiously pleased with the varied haul of useful items. One last stop at Takahashi's stand and I returned to the room with my pack full, carrying two bowls of hot noodle soup. As soon as the noodles were safely placed on the nightstand, and the pack dumped on the couch, I allowed myself the luxury of breaking into a few quiet, terrified sobs in delayed reaction.

I had done it. I had managed to go out and get needed supplies without anyone recognizing me, as far as I knew. So why am I still shaking? Taking a couple of deep, bracing breaths, I clenched and unclenched my fists a few times to still the tremors. MacCready hadn't moved, but his color looked normal, and his breathing was deep and even.

"All right, Mac," I said, reaching for one of the noodle bowls. "Take two. You need to drink something." And I need my partner back.

This attempt, I didn't know if it was his more upright position, time spent fighting off the poisons flowing through his system, or the tantalizing scent of the noodles, but when I held the bowl to his lips, he moved slightly. The reaction was feeble, but it was just enough to swallow a scant mouthful of the nourishing broth. I wanted to cheer, hope lifting my spirits, and I tempered my excitement enough to encourage him to drink down another mouthful. "There you go, Mac. That's good! You coming around? I hope so... you need to wake up. Please."

MacCready's lolled his head a little, lips pursed slightly, seeking more broth to drink. His eyes fluttered a bit, but didn't open. Tamping down on my disappointment, I helped him drink the rest of the liquid, setting aside the noodles for my own consumption if he didn't wake up.

"Come on, Mac," I pleaded. "You're so strong, I know you can fight this!" When he sank back into silent unresponsiveness, I choked back a sob. "I need you, love. Please, say something..."

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