77. Contract Completion

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"Tell me which is better: one, or two. One, or two." Knight-Captain Cade spoke in an almost hypnotic rhythm.

At least eye exams haven't changed, I thought wryly to myself. Thank goodness the Brotherhood has the ability to make glasses.

That morning, MacCready had escorted me to a waiting vertibird to journey back to the Prydwen for medical attention and debriefing, taking an almost unholy joy in the role of "seeing-eye sniper" until I poked at him to behave. He was in a good mood, discussing the finer points of various weaponry with Danse on the flight over and keeping one arm each over me and a rather subdued Squire Von as we rocketed through the sky. He had been quiet for most of my medical check-up, simply offering his supportive presence. But during the initial phase of my eye exam, he made so many cheeky comments ("Come on, Boss, the letters are right there!") that Knight-Captain Cade had banished him from the med bay, firmly "suggesting" he go clean himself up- thoroughly -and get a meal in the dining hall. As soon as my partner had reluctantly left, the rest of the exam had gone smoothly.

"Uhh, two. But they're both really close." Fortunately, the eye exam was the last of the medical tests.

"Good." Cade made a note in his terminal. "Okay, Sarge, I think we've got it. Let me just run this over to the engineering team and you'll have a new set of glasses in no time. Here. There's a shower in the cubicle behind this one. Get cleaned up and come right back here. You've been through a lot and your body needs rest to recover." Setting a can of purified water next to my gurney, he left me alone in the tiny room, promising to have a light meal delivered.

No sooner had I showered, eaten, and started to doze off in the comfortable linen than I felt a light thump at the end of the cot. To my utter delight, a gray tabby cat was making its careful way up the sheets. "Here, kitty kitty," I called quietly holding out my hand for the cat to sniff. In a very short time I had a warm, purring lump of fur draped across my lap, blissfully accepting scritches and pets. "Oh, you're such a darling," I cooed, reveling in the feel of its fur, relaxing at the sound of happy purring.

"Looks like you've made a friend of Emmett," a cultured tenor voice declared. In the doorway to the room stood a tall, thin man. I couldn't make out any other details at even that short distance. "You're lucky; he's quite a discerning fellow. You must be 'Sarge'," he continued, entering the room. "I apologize for my intrusion, but am glad to finally make your acquaintance. I am Proctor Quinlan." As he got closer, I noticed he was wearing glasses! So the Brotherhood has direct experience with vision issues, that's good to know.

"Emmett, huh? Hello, Emmett." My only response was a feline demand for more attention. I was happy to oblige. "And nice to meet you too, Proctor Quinlan. Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked, adding quickly, "I'm afraid I'm not too much help until I get new glasses, however."

Quinlan waved his hand in a cordial dismissal. "More the other way around, Sarge. I wanted to thank you personally for returning Squire Von to us. He was, unfortunately," and the man's voice dropped, "the sole survivor of that particular research patrol I had sent out. It is a risk we take in our pursuit of knowledge, but I wish one so young could have been spared that ordeal. He will receive the best of care." He paused for a moment. "Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Is there anything I can do to express my thanks? The research patrols do come across a vast array of knowledge in many forms. They collect any and all publications in readable condition. Perhaps there's a journal or technical manual you're looking for?"

I pondered his question. Hmm, I have a collection of magazines that can help me improve our weapons and armor... Petting Emmett helped me to think. Though what I already have should keep me busy for months. Maybe there's something else...?

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