26. A Day Off

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"We're taking the day off," I announced the next morning, before I even rolled out of bed in the Dugout Inn. "It's cold out there, I'm sore, and my clothes are filthy."

"MacCready yawned himself awake from the couch. "Fine by me, Boss. We could use a day to recover and double-check our equipment. Diamond City has a couple of decent shops where we can stock up on essentials as well."

"And," I picked up the narrative, "we can let Valentine know we're back in case he has anything for us."

"Sounds like a plan."

After learning how I cleaned our clothes in the shower the last time we were here, MacCready merely nodded at my inventiveness and shoved another small bundle of clothes at me. "You get these and I'll clean our weapons if you leave yours out." He grinned at my enthusiasm of the promise of a long, hot shower. "Take your time, I can barter our loot and pick up supplies, too."


The shower was amazing after so many days on the road with nothing more than a quick wipe down with a cold soapy cloth and a hasty brushing of teeth. I hoped the Dugout Inn had plenty of hot water as I let the spray wash my aches and bruises into submission. The laser burn on my leg was healing slowly and would probably leave a scar. I couldn't see my ribs where MacCready had dug out the bullet, but I could feel a patchy ridge of tissue there. The Commonwealth is certainly leaving its mark. If ever I needed proof this was real, the scars tell the truth.

After too long, yet not feeling it was quite long enough, I finally stepped out of the shower to dry off and dress into my spare clothes. MacCready was in the room when I exited, just finishing up wiping down his sniper rifle. A new pile of supplies sat in the corner, and I nodded my approval. "Thanks, Mac."

"No problem, Sarge." he jabbed back. "Why don't you stop by Valentine's and grab some noodles from Takahashi for both of us? I'll join you as soon as I'm finished here."

"Sounds good." Shrugging on my jacket, I strapped my laser pistol to my leg and left the room.

At Valentine's, Ellie greeted my entrance with a welcoming smile, waving me in with a "Nick's in the back."

"Hey there, kid," was the cordial greeting from the detective himself. "Heard you two were back in town. Word around the Commonwealth is the Minutemen are back, helping settlers, and looking for members. Sounds like you got up there to help them out in the nick of time. Good job."

"Wow, word travels fast!" I was impressed. We hadn't been gone all that long, had we? The days start to blur together without a calendar to keep track.

"It travels faster when you know where to listen," he replied slyly. "But all that aside, were they able to help you?"

I shook my head. "No, but not for lack of trying. Sturges tried everything he could think of, but he's more of a mechanic, not a scientist." At Nick's sympathetic grimace, I added, "but we did bump into a group that MacCready tells me knows a lot more about technology. You know anything about the 'Brotherhood of Steel'?"

Nick sat up straight, giving me his undivided attention at that. "You ran into the Brotherhood of Steel in the Commonwealth? Yeah, I know a bit about them. They ain't too fond of my type, and they're fanatics about technology." He tapped his metal fingers on the desk. "Your churlish mercenary is right, though. They do have a wealth of their own scientific advancements. I just hope they're not here to start a war," he said quietly, half to himself. "If you deal with them," he warned, "be very, very careful. The Brotherhood has more than their fair share of fanatics, but there are the occasional individuals who can be trusted to keep their word."

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