24. Brotherhood of Steel

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"Fascinating," was Danse's conclusion at the end of my story the next day. We had spent the night in the police station, tucked away on a couple of cots in an old office opposite the three Brotherhood members. Haylen was welcoming, Rhys was not. We were sitting around the remains of our noon meal, resting after installing the transmitter. MacCready had taken charge of the fee negotiations for our help, irritating Rhys nearly to the point of exchanging blows. I had had to pull the sniper into a chair to calm him down, and Danse sent Rhys out to patrol the perimeter while we talked.

Haylen had been quiet up until this point. "If I may?" she glanced at Danse for permission.

"Go ahead, Scribe Haylen," he approved. "You're better suited to this kind of thing than I am."

"It definitely sounds like something the Brotherhood would be interested in. I mainly locate caches of technical advancements to be secured and brought to our scientists, and your Pip-Boy is right up there as far as advanced technology. I don't suppose you'd be willing to let the Brotherhood have it, would you? We could provide you with a Vault-Tec model in exchange."

I shook my head firmly. "No, Haylen. I'm sorry. It stays with me." She looked disappointed, Danse looked grimly thoughtful, and out of the corner of my eye MacCready tensed a trifle. "Besides, as I've been told before, none of the others link directly to my body the way this one does."

"That is significant," she remarked. "I wish I knew what it meant." She went still, deep in thought.

"There is also the matter of how those Synths reacted to your presence." Danse added. "I have never seen them act that way before, almost as if they suddenly realized you had something they wanted." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, exchanging a speaking glance with Haylen. "This strongly suggests the Institute is involved with your coming here, however peripherally." At these words, Haylen got up to access her terminal in the next room, leaving the three of us to continue our discussion.

"If that's true," MacCready joined in, somberly, "then it's a good thing we got rid of them all so they couldn't send a message back. The last thing we need is the Institute getting involved."

I spoke up tentatively. "And maybe I do need to talk to this 'Institute', whoever they are." At the shocked expressions of my companions, I continued. "No one's really explained to me who these people are, aside from making robot Synths and being the scary bogeyman in the shadows of the Wasteland. How do we know they're really all that bad? Maybe they don't mean any harm?" I pressed on, despite the heavy feeling of disapproval. "After all, those Synths dropped their weapons when they grabbed me..."

"They were trying to kidnap you!" MacCready shouted in exasperation. "Are you saying you're okay with that?"

"No," I answered him in a low voice. "I guess I didn't think it through."

"No, you didn't." He was angry, scowling intensely, eyes steely and narrowed beneath the brim of his cap.

Danse interjected, pointedly answering my question. "They Institute is a group of scientists who went underground when the Great War started. All this time they've been advancing their own science and running countless unknown experiments. Spent the last few decades littering the Commonwealth with their technological nightmares. And the Brotherhood of Steel is determined to stop the Institute from using its technological superiority as a weapon."

I blinked and looked at my arm. "You think my Pip-Boy is a weapon?"

"I don't know." Danse admitted reluctantly. "It does appear to make you a more effective fighter by your own admission. That by itself may or may not be the goal." He paused, thinking. "However, I think its true purpose is greater than just enhancing one individual's combat abilities. I would prefer this technology remain in our custody..."

"No, Danse." I clutched my arm to my chest defensively. "If you want the Brotherhood to examine it, I need to be there. Right now, this thing is the only thing linking me to my world, my reality." I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat at the thought of home, family. "It-it's part of me now. I'm not letting you or anyone else take it away." MacCready had stood up during my little speech, coming over to stand behind my chair in a protective manner. Despite his earlier irritation, he was right there supporting me when I needed it, and it made me feel better, more confident in my refusal.

Danse appeared disappointed, but respectful of my decision. He lowered his bushy eyebrows, speaking carefully. "In order to access the Brotherhood's wealth of technological information, one needs to be a member of the Brotherhood. During our mission last night, I thought we worked well as a team. It's a refreshing change to work with a civilian who can follow orders properly. So, I'd like to make a proposition."

MacCready snickered behind me. "Proposing already, Danse? We barely know each other." I muffed my laugh into a cough behind my hand.

Paladin Danse looked genuinely perplexed. "I'd like to think I'm a good judge of character. There was enough time last night to assess your combat abilities, which, I might add, are quite formidable. In any case I would like to sponsor you into the Brotherhood." He went on, quickly adding, "You'd have access to advanced military weapons, as well as your own personal suit of Power Armor. Our proctors would stop at nothing to unravel the mystery of your unique Pip-Boy and the extent of its capabilities. Most importantly, you'd have the Brotherhood at your back... ready to spill its own blood to keep you alive. You could spend the rest of your life wandering from place to place, trading an extra hand for a meager reward, or you can join our cause and make a difference."

I was stunned. Danse seemed sincere, but there was the nagging suspicion in the back of my head that he was merely saying this to get the technology in my possession into Brotherhood control. Unless he was the head of the organization, which was unlikely since he was stuck in an unsupported outpost having to commandeer civilian help just to call for backup, I highly doubted he would have the authority to promise my safety if one of the higher-ups really wanted access to my Pip-Boy.

MacCready was much quicker to answer, and more blunt. "No," he said flatly. "I'm already under contract to this lady here, and I'm not in the habit of breaking my word." My spirits lifted at his refusal. Not like I was worried, right?

"And I already have someone at my back." I glanced up to give MacCready a grateful smile, then turned back to address Danse. "I'm afraid we're going to have to decline your generous offer, Paladin Danse. But I really do need to get home. Is there any way to find a compromise? Allow me on board, give you access to my Pip-Boy in exchange for helping me get home?" I tried to give him a winsome smile, unsure of how it would come across.

"I..." he started hesitantly, meeting my eyes with his dark amber ones. "I will have to think about it. I am truly disappointed you won't join our cause, especially with your previous military background. Give me some time to discuss this matter with Elder Maxson." Ha, I knew he wasn't the one in charge. "In the meantime, I'd like to give you my personal radio frequency." He gestured for my arm, and I tentatively allowed him to access the touchscreen. "This will allow us to contact each other from anywhere in the Commonwealth. If I have any updates for you, I will send you a message via this frequency. Use it only for essential communications."

Ostensibly leaning down to observe the process, MacCready whispered irrepressibly, "Wow, a proposal and now his private number? You work fast!" in my ear. I batted at him, missing by inches as he swiftly stood back up, chuckling.

Ignoring the flush rising in my face, I merely said with the utmost sincerity. "Thank you, Paladin Danse."

"Thank you, civilian, for your help. I only hope we can be of assistance to each other more in the future. Good luck on your journey home."

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