Chapter Twenty - Operation: Make Her Yours!

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[Sasuke's P.O.V]

"So, how was it with [Name]?" 

The next time Sakura and I were on a date, I was purposely trying to avoid talking about [Name], but since Sakura wouldn't back down without an answer, I finally had to oblige and give her one. 

We were out and about in town, holding hands, talking, and eating ice-cream (well, Sakura was, anyway). You know... doing things couples would usually do. 

But something felt off, wrong. 

Something was different, and I had a feeling Sakura felt it as well.

"It was alright." Sakura raised an eyebrow at me, still licking away at her ice-cream.

"What did you do? Was she talking about Suigetsu?"

"Are you thinking of leaving me for Suigetsu, now?" I joked, earning a frown from the pinkette. Sensing her seriousness, I cleared my throat and straightened up. "Um, we went to the amusement park. And I guess so- I can't blame her. He's a nice guy." 

I forced myself to say the last sentence in a convincing voice, absolutely loathing the thought of [Name] being with Suigetsu. He was being so perverted, and she didn't say anything about it. She deserved better than that. To my surprise, Sakura stopped walking and wrenched her hand out of mine, folding her arm into the crook of her opposite elbow. I stopped beside her, glancing around furtively.

"What?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at her. Sakura sighed, and shook her head.

"Sasuke, you obviously like [Name]," she said bluntly, making me splutter indignantly.

"What?! Sakura, how many t-" She puts a hand in my face, shushing me.

"You're just friends? Whatever. You might be 'just a friend' to [Name], but she means more to you than that, doesn't she?" demanded the Haruno, making me sweatdrop as she held my lips shut with her fingers. I began to say something, then removed her hand from my face so I could actually get the words out.

"Sakura, don't be stupid! Okay, so maybe I don't want [Name] to be with Suigetsu, but that's because she's my friend, and I know for sure that she deserves someone of a higher calibre!"

"Higher calibre? You mean you, right?" She sighed and slapped a hand over her eyes, dragging it down her cheek. "Look, Sasuke, I love you and all, but this is just too obvious for me to ignore! Your heart rests with [Name], and I don't like the thought of getting in between you two! I've known since the day when [Name] approached me in the mall, alright? Like you said, you've been friends with [Name] for years. I think that it's great and all that you want to preserve your friendship, but why stay at that when it could be so much more?"

I was speechless. This was my girlfriend talking- what did this mean?

"I-I-" Sakura waved me off, shaking her head.

"No, Sasuke, shut up," she said, covering my mouth. "You like [Name], don't you?" I sighed, closing my eyes in defeat.

"Yes," I mumbled, prompting her to remove her hand from my face. She grimaced, and kept on eating her ice-cream.

"Well, that was easy, wasn't it?" she said haughtily, rolling her eyes. I was mostly taken aback- this was a Sakura that I'd never seen before. What had gotten into her? "Sasuke, I love you, but I don't think we can keep going out. Sorry."

I blinked at her.

"What?" A grin slowly began to creep across her pale features, and I was left looking like an idiot as I stared at her.

"You heard me. Besides, I think I'd be off much better as your wingwoman, don't you?"

I just kept blinking. What the hell?

Sakura groaned and rolled her eyes, punching me in the shoulder.

"You and [Name] were made for each other, Sasuke. Everyone knows that. You could say I'm your guardian angel or something, but it's my job to bring you two together, you hear?"

Everything she said just kept washing over my head; what the fuck? Sakura smiled at the confusion on my face, and grabbed my arm, leading me away.

"Come on, Sasuke! It's time for operation "Make [Name] Yours!" she cheered. All I could do was blink at the back of her pink haired head; was this actually happening?

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