Chapter Two - There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea

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When I got up at around nine to check on Sasuke the next morning, he was still out. I sighed for the umpteenth time in the last twenty four hours- who knew that having a drama queen as a best friend would be such a pain in the ass? 

I decided to make pancakes for breakfast, and just when I had flipped the last batch, I heard a loud groan from the living room behind me. 

Turning off the stove, I grimaced as I took one of the plates of pancakes and maple syrup to Sasuke, who was now sitting up and clutching his head with one hand. The blanket I had given him last night was strewn on the ground, along with the snot and tear logged cushion he'd so kindly wiped his facials with last night.

"Morning, Sasuke," I sighed, placing the plate on the coffee table before him. At the sight of me, he groaned and threw himself back onto the couch, grabbing the pillow and pulling it over his face.

"I can't believe it! Another one!" he cried into the pillow. I sighed, and sat by his feet. So much sighing.

"Seriously, Sasuke," I said in a hopeless voice, reaching forward and taking the pillow from him. He sat back up and faced me with a pained expression adorning his usually god-like features, and my heart dropped just a little. Just a little.

"[Name], what the fuck is wrong with me?! I'm hot! I'm rich! I'm smart! Why can't I hold any of them down?! What's wrong with me?! What do they want from me?!" he whined, throwing his head back in agony. I shook my head, crossing my arms.

"Maybe they always dump you because you're a dick?" I suggested lightly, making him scowl darkly at me.

"I'm serious, [Name]. Ugh, I'm so hopeless with girls!" He threw himself back down onto the couch, covering his face with his hands. I let out a little huff. For a seriously successful man of twenty one, Sasuke was a hopeless romantic.

"You just noticed?" I said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at him. He scowled and threw the pillow at my face, making me yelp in surprise and disgust.

"Not helping, [Name]!" he snapped, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and picked up the pillow, fluffing it as I held it in my lap while avoiding any sign of mucus.

"Okay, okay, fine. But hey, you've gotta keep trying, right? Your true love isn't going to just come waltzing into your life and reveal herself now, is she?" I said in an amused tone, wiggling my eyebrows at Sasuke. He groaned, and I leaned forward to pat his arm.

"Come on," I said encouragingly. "How's about we go to the mall and go fishing?"

"I feel like shit."

"That's the spirit! Eat up, we'll leave after breakfast!" I grinned, leaping to my feet and clasping my hands together. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Why are you so overly optimistic?" he asked suspiciously, reaching for his pancakes. He flipped the lid of the maple syrup bottle and lightly drizzled them with the golden liquid, making my stomach rumble at the sight.

"Because this time, I'm choosing the girl!" I beamed. "And I know for sure that this time, she'll be the perfect one for you!"

Sasuke took one of the pancakes and lifted it into his mouth, chewing it and swallowing it down in one gulp.


𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | sasuke uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now