Chapter Sixteen - Return of the Anaconda

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All week I trained my ass off; well, I attempted to, anyway. 

On Sunday, right after my little bout with Suigetsu at the park, I could barely get out of bed. That didn't stop me, however, but I was too sore to run, let alone train. So I ended up taking it slow and gradual for the first couple of days by going on walks to break in my newly hurt calves. By Wednesday I was well enough to start jogging, so jogging I did. For about ten minutes. My goal had been at least thirty minutes of non-stop jogging, but eh. Baby steps. By Friday, I had begun doing my own exercise at home, like doing squats, push-ups and sit-ups in my living room, which took it easy on my already suffering legs.


I huffed as I finished my fourth set of sit-ups. It'd been a couple of months since I'd done any kind of extreme physical stuff, so considering I was unfit, I thought I was doing pretty good. 

"YES! I KNOW I'M NOT GOING TO BEAT HIM, BUT GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME! OH YEAH!" Jamming out to whatever music was playing MTV, I began doing my fifth set of squats to add to my already visible butt. It's a wonder how quickly things moved along; the butt had always been there, but since I sat on it all day, it had reasonably flattened. Until I started squats, that is. I'd never felt better about myself; I felt empowered, strong, fit. Looked like Suigetsu was right- this was better than killing my brain cells. Once my squats were done, the song ended, and then "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift began playing, prompting me to whoop and break out of my exercise regime.

"Uh-huh, oh yeah, I'm gonna be hot!" I cheered to myself, jumping up, down and around my living room. "SHAKE IT OFF, I SHAKE IT OFF...!" 

Sweating maniacally, I let out a loud laugh before taking off my shirt, which left me standing in my sports bra and leggings. I grabbed the TV remote and begin singing into it, belting my heart out with all my remaining strength.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Losing all my energy into my pumped up version of "Shake It Off," I burst out into laughter and flung myself into the welcoming arms of my couch, high on adrenaline. The song changed to "Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde, so to cool down, I got back onto my feet and tried to mimic her crazy moves, going in for the facials and jerky movements as well.

"... keep up with the red, orange, yellow flicker b- huh?" There was a knock at my door, and my head instantly turned in its direction in curiosity. It was like, just past eleven. Who in their right mind would be visiting me at this time?

"Stalker," I whispered to myself, quietly running to my kitchen to grab a knife, just in case. I made my way back to the door, timidly opening it a crack. "Hello?"

"[Name]?" I gawped and opened the door wider to get a better look at the person on the other side. It was duckbutt, with a bag of Chinese takeout in his hands.

"Sasuke? The fuck are you doing here?" We both stared at each other for a few seconds, both stunned by something. I was stunned by the fact that he was here, at my place, with Chinese food at almost midnight. As for him, he was shocked by...?

I groaned and facepalmed, unhiding the knife from behind my back. Waving him in, I muttered, "Come in, come in," while leaping to grab my shirt from the couch. He shut the door behind him and joined me by my side, while I turned down the TV. He set the plastic bag down between us and pulled out one of the cartons, handing it to me. The delicious scent of its greasy, fatty contents wafted into my nostrils, and my tummy rumbled in agreement.

"Mmm, duckbutt, what are you doing here?" I asked dreamily, beginning to open my food. Sasuke looked thoroughly surprised, but that didn't stop him from helping himself to his food.

"Since you weren't available any time soon, I decided to stop by here," he said meekly, raising an eyebrow at my entranced state. I sighed and began shovelling noodles into my mouth, moaning with pleasure. 

"Thank you!" I exclaimed with a full mouth. "I didn't notice I was this hungry until you showed up!"

"Don't you have a race tomorrow?" I shrugged and waved him off with my fork.

"I'm going to lose anyway, so what's the point," I snickered, slurping up more noodles. Biting off the remaining straggly bits, I sat up straight and faced Sasuke with a smile.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, genuinely caring. A smile twitched at the corners of his mouth, and he leaned back into the couch.

"Everything," he sighed, relaxing in his place. I giggled and poked him in the gut.

"Go on, I'm listening," I said teasingly. "So, how's it going with Sakura?" He looked uncertain of how to answer, before shrugging and saying, "Actually, pretty good. But I was hoping we could talk about something other than our significant others, you know?"

"You mean your significant other," I pointed out, poking him in the chest. He rolled his eyes at me, beginning to prod at his food.


I grinned, and leaned towards him.

"So? Notice anything new?"

"... you're trying to kill yourself with exercise?"

"WHAT? No, I'm not that unfit anymore, Sasuke-"

"Oh really? Then why do you look like you're on the verge of death?"

"Because I was working on my ass, jerkface!"

"... don't see much of a difference."


"Are you seriously going to bring that up again?!"

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