Bonus Chapter #2

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"Hey there."

A now single Sakura Haruno looked up from the screen of her smartphone, and grinned at the person who'd greeted her so warmly.

"Ah, hey, Suigetsu," she said softly, turning off her phone and looking up at the Hozuki. "What's up?"

Suigetsu scratched the back of his head and sat down in front of the pinkette, grimacing at her. Upon passing and spotting the Haruno sitting by herself at Starbucks, the sharp toothed male had taken the chance to grace her with his presence.

"Nothing," he admitted, crossing his arms. "What were you looking at?" Sakura shrugged, and turned her phone back on for Suigetsu to see.

"[Name] and Sasuke's pictures," she said nonchalantly, putting on a passive face. "They went up to Asakusa the other day, to pray at the temple."

"For their newfound relationship, I assume?" mused the Hozuki, carefully eyeing out the photos on the [Surname]'s Facebook feed. There were several of photos mostly of her decked out in a beautiful floral kimono, with a couple of shots of her duckbutt haired boyfriend, and one photo of the two at the entrance to the temple, where tourists completely saturated the background. The pair were both wearing traditional kimono, and even Sakura had to agree that they looked like the happiest couple alive. Minus Sasuke's ever present scowl.

Sakura sighed and gave Suigetsu a small smile, nodding without a word.

He frowned at her lack of emotion, and reached out to place his hand on hers.

"Hey," he said softly, brows knitted together in a worried frown. He bit his tongue, unable to fathom what would be proper advice to give to the mourning Haruno. "Um..."

Sakura sighed, and looked down at her lap, withdrawing her hand from Suigetsu's.

"It's fine, it's fine," she said strongly, waving him away and looking up with a bright smile. "I knew what I was getting into when I broke up with Sasuke. I'm absolutely happy for him and [Name]."

"You might be happy for them, but are you happy for yourself?" asked Suigetsu, raising a questioning eyebrow. Sakura shrugged.

"I could be better, but... I'm glad that Sasuke found someone. I really am," she said truthfully, making Suigetsu sigh and pout at her. He was quiet for a second, before perking up and leaning over the tabletop, making her jerk up in surprise.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look prettiest when you're smiling?" he said smoothly, resulting in a blush creeping up Sakura's face.

"Wh-what?" Suigetsu rolled over onto his arm, blowing his hair out of his face.

"You don't look as pretty as you do when you're sad," he said, letting his gaze meet the Haruno's. She merely turned away, avoiding eye contact. "You're still pretty, but not as beautiful as you are when you're smiling."

Sakura let out a small giggle, pressing the back of her hand against her lips.

"Thank you for trying to make me feel better, Suigetsu, but really. I'm fine," she insisted, smiling warmly at her companion. Suigetsu rolled his eyes at her, shaking his head.

"I take that that didn't work," sighed Suigetsu, making Sakura raise her eyebrow at him in curiosity.


"Say, Sakura, would you like to go out with me this weekend? Somewhere fun?"

Sakura smiled shyly at the Hozuki's attempts, unable to respond appropriately.

"Uh-uh, um, I'm not sure..." Suigetsu laughed, and reached out for her hand again.

"As my friend! I'd like to get to know you more, Sakura. Especially seeing what you did for Sasuke there... it must've hurt, right?"

"A little," shrugged Sakura, obviously lying through her teeth. Suigetsu recognised this, and grinned at her tough love attitude.

"I know a place out west that'll help get your frustrations out," he winked mischievously, a twinkle in his eye. "Are you up for the challenge?"

"What kind of challenge are you pointing out, exactly?" asked Sakura with a small smile, curious about the Hozuki's antics. He grinned.

"What do you say to a game of paint ball?"

"Doesn't that hurt?"

"Exactly." Sakura smirked at Suigetsu, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Sounds fun. I'm in."

"Great!" Suigetsu leaned back in his seat, outstretching his arms behind his head. "Hey, do you want to go grab something to eat? I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks."

"Sure, I'd like to," smiled Sakura at the male. He let out a loud yawn, grinning cheekily at the Haruno.

"Cool," he said with an air of finality. "I mean, come on. If [Name] can get her happily ever after, who's to say you can't?"

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