Chapter Ten - Suigetsu from Bed, Bath and Beyond

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Straight away I texted Suigetsu and struck up a conversation, waiting for the perfect time to strike. As soon as I did, I used the cover "Oh, my friends are having their first date today and they asked me to come so it won't be as awkward and nerve-wracking, but I was wondering if you would like to come along, too?" 

I got a yes, and instantly texted Sasuke with the great news.


"Hey, Suigetsu! It was nice of you to come and join us!" I squeezed Suigetsu in a one armed hug as I caught up with him in front of Konoha Zoo, where we waited for the actual daters to turn up. He chuckled, baring his teeth yet again.

"Thanks for inviting me," he said, looking up. "Say, who are these friends of yours? I don't believe I'm familiar with them." I too looked up and began scanning the area, searching for any sign of pink or duck-butt hair.

"Ah! There!" Sakura was walking beside Sasuke, a light blush on her face as they tried not to look too romantic. As soon as Sasuke caught sight of us, his jaw dropped, and his face remained one of shock as he approached. I beamed and pulled him and Sakura closer.

"Sakura, Sasuke, this is Suigetsu from Bed, Bath and Beyond!" I exclaimed, pointing to my "date." "Suigetsu, the pretty one's Sakura, and the grumpy one's Sasuke!"

"Hey," said Sakura meekly, nodding at Suigetsu, who seemed to be returning Sasuke's look of awe.

"Well, well, well! If it isn't the Uchiha himself! How's it been?" Suigetsu leaned forward and gave Sasuke a one armed man embrace, before standing back with a grin on his face. Sasuke shook the confusion from his face, and cleared his throat.

"It's been a while, Suigetsu," he nodded, burying his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Um... how are you?"

"Wait, you two know each other?" I gasped, covering my mouth with one hand. Suigetsu nodded, and Sasuke looked away as if he couldn't care less.

"Yeah! Sasuke used to work with us when we were teenagers! He had a great eye for detail, and used to be in charge of organising the displays most of the time," chuckled Suigetsu, reaching out and playfully punching Sasuke in the chest. "He was known as "the Hawk" because of his keen eye." I turned to Sasuke, an amused look on my face.

"You worked? A part-time job?" I couldn't believe it; the high and mighty Sasuke Uchiha worked in a mundane job for once in his life? Ha! 

Said grumpiness scowled at me, saying "It's none of your business."

"When was this?" I turned back to Suigetsu, eager to discover this new side of Sasuke I'd never seen before. He chuckled, covering his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked up at Sasuke with a twinkle in his eye.

"Summer of senior year," he grinned, making Sasuke groan and straighten up from his slouching position.

"Oh! I went on vacation at that time! Is that why I never heard of it?" I mused as Sasuke grabbed Sakura's hand and turned away from Suigetsu and I.

"I crashed Itachi's car and had to work for the money to pay him back. Happy? Come on. Let's go look at some animals now." With a storm-cloud hovering over his head, Sasuke led Sakura to the ticket booth while I stood back with Suigetsu, arms crossed as I smiled at the sight.

"He's some real work, he is," said Suigetsu beside me, grinning. I nodded as I watched Sasuke and Sakura.

"I couldn't wish him anyone better," I said. Suigetsu raised an eyebrow.

"I probably could, but eh. Let's go, shall we?"


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