Chapter Twenty Four - The Joke's On Me

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We- I mean, I- spent so much money that day that I nearly fainted once Sasuke had given me an approximate estimation of how much money he'd blown on me. I mean, yes, while I was carefully selecting what I wanted I paid no heed to the price tag that came along with it, but in the end, curiosity killed the cat, and I just had to get at least a vague sort of picture of what amount I spent on myself. All I could say that it was far beyond my own spending capacity in one day, and I continuously blamed Sasuke for taking me to all the high end stores.

"If you had just taken me to Walmart or even the mall, I could've bought way more for less," I pointed out for the millionth time as Sasuke and I loaded my seventh load of shopping bags into the trunk of his black BMW. He merely rolled his eyes at me.

"It's my money we're spending, so don't complain about where I choose to take you, okay?" he said in a heated voice, making me roll my eyes in return. Once we were done loading up, he closed the trunk and we looked at each other with huffs, me crossing my arms.

"We've been to nearly all the big brand names around here," I said in a pointed voice, wincing at the prospect of the thousands I was spending on almost unnecessary luxuries. "Maybe we can call it a day? Or at least go somewhere a little... you know, cheaper?" Sasuke let out an exasperated groan and threw his head back, facing the sky.

"You call that shopping?!" I flushed at his statement, beginning to feel highly aware of the fact that Sasuke was from an overly-wealthy, rich aristocratic family, while I was, well, a completely average college student on summer vacation. I'd never been to Chanel or Balenciaga or Dolce and Gabbana in my life prior to today; I'd never spent more than five hundred dollars in one sitting when it came to shopping, either. 

It was then that the differences between our two lives seemed to come to life, and I winced at the thought of it.

"Hello? Earth to [Name]? Are you listening to me?" I blinked as the Uchiha waved his arm in front of my face, and I looked at him blankly.


He let out a small "Hmph!" and crossed his arms, regarding me coldly as if wondering what his next plan of action should be. Then, as if a lightbulb clicked in his mind, a smirk found its way onto his porcelain features.

"Ah, so do you really want to go to a more lower priced store?" he asked wickedly, making me raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I guess...?"


"Oh, fuck off, Sasuke, you're so not funny!"

"You said you wanted to go to a cheaper store!"

"Yeah, well, I didn't mean somewhere like this!"

Sasuke grinned as he pushed me forward by the shoulders into the nearest Victoria's Secret outlet, with me cussing under my breath every step of the way.

"Now that we're here, you have to buy something, or else I'm not letting you go," he cooed, with me keeping my eyes shut half of the time for fear of looking upon lacy bras or racy lingerie. "You buy at least five hundred dollars' worth, or else we're not leaving this store."

"You're so not funny! This is the kind of thing you should be doing with Sakura!" I whined, coming to a halt as the Uchiha stopped pushing me forward. I covered my face with my hands, only to peer up and see Sasuke looking around, as if he was actually serious about this.

"Well, I figured that since you wouldn't shut up and stop complaining about my choice of clothing brands, then I thought that there wouldn't be a better way to make you suffer than to bring you here."

"You're such an asshole! And I was not complaining! I was being realistic about all the money I was spending! The money you were making me spend!"

"You were so complaining." 

Frustrated, I couldn't bring out the right words to say. What was there to say? You're a jerk for spending all this money on me? I hate you for buying me high fashion clothes? Where is the sense in that?! Finally, I calmed myself down, and took a deep breath, forcing a calm smile.

"You know what, Sasuke, I might just take you up on your offer," I said sweetly, clenching my jaw. "Oh look, those hosiery outfits look nice, don't they?" 

Sasuke's eyes followed the direction I was indicating in and was greeted by the sight of a mannequin dressed in a sexy black and red outfit with a cut out garter belt, showing enough flesh yet obscuring just the teeniest amount to make someone want to ravish its wearer all night. With a smirk, I looked at Sasuke, whose mouth was set in a tight line.

"What do you think?" I asked with a smug look, crossing my arms over my chest. 

Two could play this game, and I sure as hell wasn't about to let Sasuke win. Heck, I sure as hell wasn't going to walk out with anything from this place!

The Uchiha looked at me with a look of triumph that I couldn't comprehend.

"If you like it so much, why don't you try it on?" he suggested sweetly in a commanding tone, making me freeze.

"What?" Sasuke smiled even more, and beckoned me to go have a closer look.

"Come on, go try it on, and show it to me," he said in a venomous voice, making my blood curdle.

"What- Sasuke, I-" The Uchiha put a finger over my lips and pointed at the racy outfit.

"My anaconda and I will be waiting, [Name]-chan," he said in a devious voice.

"You have a girlfriend!" I hissed, nonetheless storming off with what little dignity I had left.

"Oi! The changing room's this way!"

I hated myself for coming up with that stupid anaconda joke in the first place.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | sasuke uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now