Chapter Six - First Date Blues

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"Dude, how did you even- never mind," I sighed, still sitting in bed with my phone. 

A very cross looking Sasuke sat beside me, eyes burning holes into my head as I kept my attention focused the screen of my phone. Out of nowhere, he yanked it out of my hands and threw it behind him, making me gasp and lunge for it as it fell to the ground. It was as if everything was in slow motion- the way my phone was carelessly tossed around as if it were nothing more than a piece of metal and glass- the way I desperately ducked for it- 

"NOOOOOOO!" I was lying on my tummy, arms outstretched, and watched with tear brimmed eyes as my poor little baby came into contact with my carpeted floor, landing with a soft thud. As soon as it fell, I swear I could hear it squeaking "Mummy! How could you let such a thing happen?!" before its light turned off and its life was put to a halt.

"[Name]? Hello, back to me?" snapped the Uchiha, slapping my butt and clicking his fingers. I buried my face into my bed, sobbing loudly.

"MY BABY! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY BABY, SASUKE?!" I wailed loudly, rolling around.

"[Name]!" My mourning was cut short as Sasuke grabbed my ankles and began pulling me up the bed, making me shriek loudly in protest.

"Argh, fine! Stop it!" I exclaimed as he forced me to sit up, wriggling from his gasp. I huffed and tugged the hem of my shirt down, muttering curses under my breath.

"What did you say to Sakura?!" he demanded, grabbing my wrists and holding them tight. "If you made me look bad, [Name], I swear I'll kill you!"

"What?! Of course not, idiot!" I snapped, glaring at him. "I arranged a date for Saturday, happy?!"

He let go of me and threw my arms away, scowling.



"Oh Sakura! Hey!" 

A familiar head of pink hair swivelled around as the figure it belonged to waited patiently for Sasuke and I at the foot of the steps leading to the movie theater above. Her sight closed in on me, and then the duck butt walking beside me. I could tell in her eyes that she was definitely not disappointed.

"[N-Name]?" I waltzed up to Sakura swinging my arms back and forth happily, smiling as I greeted her. I could tell that she and Sasuke were eyeing each other out, making mental conclusions about their other. I couldn't be any happier- who better to date my good looking duckbutt-haired friend than a good looking, non duckbutt-haired stranger? It was all perfect, really, and inside, I secretly felt happy that I was making Sasuke's fairy tale love story come true.

"Sakura, this is my friend I was talking about, Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke, this is Sakura," I said happily, introducing the soon to be couple.

"Hey." Sasuke's voice was a wary monotone, and I internally groaned.

"H-Hi!" squeaked Sakura. I patted the two of them on the back with a wide grin.

"Let me know how everything goes, alright?"


"It's your date, not mine," I said calmly, trying not to sound too excited. "Let me know how it all works out, yeah?"


"Hush, Uchiha. Have fun, Sakura," I smiled. "And if he tries anything fishy, knee him in the nuts and run. doubt he will, though, so you should be just fine." Sakura nodded timidly, pretty much unsure of whether I was being serious or not.

"Have fun, lovebirds!" I cooed, swiftly turning on my heel and making my exit.

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