Chapter Nineteen - The Perks of Having A Rich Best Friend

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"Bye bye!" 

I waved goodbye to Suigetsu as he departed from the diner in his own car, whilst I opted- well, more like I was forced- to get a ride home from Sasuke, who kept scowling even after the Hozuki had left.

"Aww, what's wrong with widdle Sasu-cakes?" I pouted in a baby voice, clicking my seat belt tight. Seeing a vein pop on the Uchiha's temple, I sniggered and sat up straight, waiting for him to start the car. Instead, his grip on the steering wheel was deathly tight, and he hadn't even turned on the ignition. I frowned, and waved a hand in front of his blank face. 

"Helloooo? Sasuke?" He blinked repeatedly before looking back at me, confusion written all over his face. I chuckled and put my hand against his forehead, grinning.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" He rapidly shook his head, clearing his throat and loosening up.

"Ahem. Sorry, just spaced out," he muttered, leaning forward to turn the key. The engine thrummed to life, and there was silence as Sasuke backed us out of the park.

"How long were you there before I finished the race?" I smiled, leaning against my door. Sasuke made a little noise, and said, "Ten minutes, maybe. Talked with Suigetsu."

"Oh, nice. Why were you there, though? I thought you would've taken the opportunity to spend time with Sakura?" I asked innocently. Sasuke glanced at me over his shoulder, dark raven bangs covering his eyes so that I couldn't see the look on his face.

"Well... uh... she's obsessed about the thought of me neglecting you to be with her," he said, adding an uncharacteristic laugh at the end. I laughed anxiously, eyebrows raised at him.

"Sasuke, are you sure you're not feeling ill?" I said cautiously, watching the Uchiha very very closely. He turned his head to smile at me, which added even more confusion.

"I'm serious; she actually said that to me." That didn't settle well with me, but I accepted it anyway and leaned back into my seat, shooting him a final worrisome look before turning my attention back to the road. "Since you're free now, we might as well hang out, right?" I shrugged nonchalantly, resuming my slouched position against the door, window wound down.

"Sure," I said boredly, staring out at the sights slowly flashing past us.

"What do you want to do?" I snorted at Sasuke's question, looking at him with a leer.

"Since when have you cared about what I want to do?" I sneered, watching his frozen reaction. "Looks like having a girlfriend's really softened you up, right?"

"Shut up. We'll just go to the amusement park downtown if you're going to be such a prick about it." 

After he reverted back to asshole-Sasuke, I grinned, and not long afterwards, we were pulling up to the amusement park that headlined Konoha's tourist attractions. It wasn't that busy today, but there were still plenty of people around, and I groaned as Sasuke parked the car not too far from the entrance.

"Oh my gosh, I haven't been here for years!" I mused, getting out and shutting my door behind me. Sasuke followed suit, and the two of us were soon approaching the ticket booth, where a woman dressed in a red, blue collared shirt greeted us from behind the glass.

"Two adults, please," grunted Sasuke, pulling out his wallet and pulling out two hundred dollar notes. As he did so, I caught a glimpse of the contents of his wallet, which led me to gape in amazement. The fold containing the notes were stuffed with fifties and hundreds, making my eyes pop out of my head.

"That's a hundred and ten dollars, your change is ninety. Have a good time!" The woman waved us off, and Sasuke put an arm behind my back to stop me from stumbling over my own feet, guiding me towards the entrance. We were given bright pink wristbands to wear by another staff member, who smiled at us before letting us walk away.

"Where should we go?" I asked, still being chauffeured by Sasuke's arm. He looked as if he couldn't care less, and I scowled up at him. "This was your idea, asshole! Don't go telling me you're not interested!"

"Hn. I don't usually associate myself with this place- Naruto brings Hinata here often, though, so maybe I should've asked him for advice." I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the gut, pushing his arm away from me.

"Here's an idea, genius. Why don't we go on all the rides?" I looked at the ride nearest us, where a small queue was formed: a tall tower, more than twenty storeys tall, with two cars of four slowly ascending to the top. Ahh, the Fear Fall. "STARTING WITH THIS ONE! COME ON, SASUKE!"

"What? Oh my- No, [Name], why don't we-" I ignored the Uchiha's futile refusal and grabbed him by the hand, dragging over to the fast moving line. I felt his clammy grip, and grinned at him over my shoulder. While his body language sent out waves of anxiety, his face was as composed as ever, even wearing his signature scowl.

"Aww, Sasu-chan, you'll get frown lines if you keep scowling like that," I pouted, coming to a halt behind a group of other people waiting in line. "If I'd've known we would come here, I would've invited Suigetsu! He would've loved-"

"Well, too bad," cut off Sasuke, making me stick my tongue out at him. "You're such an idiot." I lifted Sasuke's hand to my face, holding it with both of my own, and grinned up at him.

"You just love doing things out of the blue, don't you?" I smiled, resting my chin on our connected hands. His face went a pale shade of pink, and I grinned at his cuteness before letting go, turning my attention back to the front of the line.

"Ooooooooooooh look, we're going on soon!" I heard Sasuke sigh a little, but ignored it nonetheless as I mentally listed what order we would go on the rides. 

Ah, the perks of having a rich best friend. 

Whoops, you didn't hear that from me.

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