Bonus Chapter

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"Right, has everyone got their card?"


My primary school teacher beamed and clapped his hands, sending us on our way.

"Colour away!" he cried. "Make them nice and bright for your mums, okay?" 

I crawled away to my own little corner, bright red crayon in hand as I stared at the blank template in my other hand. I glanced around and saw other kids already beginning to draw on their cards, and looked down at my own with my brow furrowed.

"Flowers!" I squealed. In no time, I had already drawn the petals of a couple of red flowers, but then I realised that I needed a different colour to make it look pretty, as well as a green for the stalks and leaves.

"Hey, Shino! Can I borrow your green?!" I half yelled at the Aburame boy who was sitting less than five feet away from me. Silently, he threw it to me, and I caught it with a gap toothed smile.

"Thanks!" With that, I got down to work, and in the process, lent my red crayon to Ino. After returning the green to Shino, I got to my feet and began to pace around class, looking for someone with a nice colour to go with my red. Then I saw him.

In the corner, being watched by half the other girls in my class, was a glowering dark haired boy colouring to and fro on his card with a dark blue crayon. The perfect colour to compliment my bright red.

"Ah, Sasuke! Can I borrow your blue for a second, please?" I asked politely, standing before the Uchiha with my hands over my thighs. He looked up at me, and scowled.

"Why would I share with you?" he spat. I "hmph!"ed and stamped my foot on the ground.

"Please, Sasuke!" I whined, pouting at him. "It's for my mum!"

"I don't care about your mum." Nostrils flaring, and before anyone could predict what was going to happen, I let out a shriek and lunged at the Uchiha, ultimately hooking him across the face with the hand that wasn't holding my Mother's Day card.

"[Name]!" Barely seconds after my assault on duckbutt started, it ended as I felt Mr Umino tear me away from Sasuke. "[Name], what are you doing?"

I huffed and crossed my arms as he placed me on his other side, and looked over at Sasuke, who was rubbing his mouth with a dark scowl on his face. I turned away with my nose in the air, only to feel something hit the back of my head.

"Hey! Sasuke, don't throw things! [Name], you have some explaining to do!" I spun around to see Sasuke rising to his feet, glaring at me from behind his arm.

"There." Pointing at the ground, I looked down and saw the blue crayon at my feet with wide eyes.


"Give it back when you're done," was all he said before promptly walking up to Ino and taking the discarded red crayon from her side.

"A-ah! Sasuke!"

"I'm using this." I giggled as I watched Sasuke walk off with my red crayon, and bent down to pick up the blue one he'd thrown unceremoniously at me as Mr Umino looked on in confusion. I bit my lip, and ran after the Uchiha, reaching out to him.

"Hey, Sasuke! Sasuke!"

"Go away, [Name]." He sat in another secluded corner in class, resuming his drawing.

"No, Sasuke, look! Look!"


"Haha! Made you look!"

"You're not funny." I giggled and sat beside him, rocking back and forth on my crossed legs. 

That day, I had been determined to befriend Sasuke. And, because of one certain blue crayon, it happened just as I wanted it to. His blue contrasted my red, and my red brought out his dark blue. It was all an equal trade, to be fair. And it was the beginning of my favourite friendship.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | sasuke uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now