Chapter Twenty Eight - Revelations

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"What's up, hot and lonely?" 

I blinked and looked up from my phone to see Suigetsu standing above me, flashing me a toothy grin with a hand down on the table. I breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at his antics, inviting him to sit down with me. 

I was surprisingly at the library, looking for something good to read. I had the internet and stuff, yeah, but I missed the feeling of falling asleep while reading a good, hardcover book. So far I'd only succeeded in picking out a couple of manga volumes and a bunch of Horrible Histories books, so you could say that I wasn't really ready to move on from my picture books.

"Fancy seeing you here," I snorted, giggling as the Hozuki sat down across from me. He grinned again, and leaned forward over the tabletop.

"Eh, I like to drop by every now and then," he said, waving me away. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief, and he cracked instantly.

"Okay, okay, so I saw you walking in when I was headed for the supermarket, and I figured you'd still be here," he admitted, making me giggle.

"Nice to know I have a dedicated stalker," I joked softly, rolling my eyes at him. "So? What are you doing today?" He shrugged.

"I don't have work today, so basically, I don't know," he said truthfully, outstretching his arms. "That is, unless you want to go somewhere?"

I looked up from my phone in curiosity, eyebrow raised in promise.

"Like where?" Suigetsu smiled at me, flashing his shark like teeth. I winced at the sight, but avoided staring at them either way.

"Anywhere that's out of here," he said confidently, making me roll my eyes and put my phone down.

"Okay then, genius, like where?"


"Ah, Suigetsu! There you are!" Suigetsu and I looked up to see who the new voice belonged to, and as soon as I did, my mind was wracked with confusion. There was Sakura, flanked by a not very happy looking Sasuke. I blinked just to make sure I was seeing right; yes, I was. Sakura and Sasuke were together.

"Uh...?" The pinkette traipsed over to me and Suigetsu's table, positioning herself between us and focusing all her attention on the white haired male instead.

"Hey, you never got back to me about the show!" pouted the Haruno, blocking Suigetsu from my view. I raised an eyebrow, feeling challenged, but let it slip as Sasuke put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, and he wordlessly indicated for us to leave. I shrugged, not thinking much of it; this was the first time since our incident at the supermarket that we'd hung out, and quite frankly, I felt like our relationship was feeling strained for no apparent reason whatsoever. That was only to me, of course. I didn't know if Sasuke felt it, too; heck, I didn't even know if there was anything to worry about in the first place!

Gathering my withdrawn books from the table, I uttered my goodbyes to the two before following Sasuke out, where he volunteered to carry my books for me. I meekly agreed, now beginning to feel awkwardness creep in.

Oh no. Oh no. Why is this awkward. This shouldn't be awkward.

"So what were you and Suigetsu talking about, hmm?" asked Sasuke casually as we exited the building side by side. I merely gulped, shaking my head.

"Ah, not much," I said in a rushed voice. "He only got there a few minutes before you did."

"Ah, I see." The silence began to choke me as we continued the walk to his car, and by god, it seemed like the longest walk of all time.

"Sasuke, do you feel weird around me?!" I blurted out, unable to keep my mouth from spewing out words before I could regret them. He took it in his stride, remaining cool and calm, raising an eyebrow at me in surprise.

"Of course not?" Now I was beginning to panic; not only had I just made myself look suspicious, but now Sasuke was going to think that something was wrong with me, and that I was feeling weird because-

"Sasuke, what if I dated Suigetsu?" I squealed and covered my mouth as the Uchiha froze in his tracks before me, still holding onto my books. The silence rang in my ears, and I mentally cursed myself for being so explosive. "I mean... you wouldn't mind if I... dated someone, right?"

A smirk twitched at the corners of Sasuke's lips, and he continued walking.

"[Name], I don't really think it matters who you date," he said nonchalantly. I hurried to catch up to him, looking at him for an explanation.

"What do you mean?!" I exclaimed, grabbing him by the arm. He looked over at me with a tender look in his eyes, and raised an eyebrow at me.

"[Name], it doesn't matter who you date. There's no way in hell that that bastard will ever replace me in your heart, okay?"

Puzzle pieces everywhere. Mixed signals. Differentiating stories. Mixed feelings. Like what. Wasn't this the type of struggle teenage girls went through? Not young adults solidly grounded in their third year at university? What even was going on. No. I didn't like being confused, so I wasn't going to leave it at that. Taking a deep breath, I pointed at the Uchiha.

"Sasuke, who do you love?!" I demanded. "Who's the girl that makes time stop whenever you think of her, huh? Who's the girls that makes your heart skip a beat whenever you see her? Who's the girl whose smile lights up your world when you're down?! As your best friend, I think I have the gODDAMN RIGHT TO KNOW!!! IS IT EVEN A GIRL?! SASUKE, I SWEAR TO GOD, YOUR WHOLE "PLAYING IT COOL" THING ISN'T-"

My voice was silenced as Sasuke did the unthinkable. 

He dropped my damn library books. 

He pulled me to him, and put his lips to mine in a soft, tender kiss, rendering me completely useless to react. His lips were so soft, and his breath tasted so sweet. It was as if time itself had stopped, and I wondered: was Sasuke feeling the same way that I was now? Or was it just my mind just playing tricks on me? Hell, was any of this even real?!

Holy shit. What has the world even become.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | sasuke uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now