Chapter Fourteen - Konoha Park

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"... why are we doing this again?" I complained for the millionth time to Suigetsu as we got to my place. I locked my car and looked at him, scowling. He smiled, and shook his head.

"Don't you want to get changed?"



"S-S-SUIGETSU!! THIS WAS NOT WHAT WE AGREED ON!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, running as fast as my dear legs could carry me. Up ahead on the track was a laughing Suigetsu, running in his trainers, basketball shorts, and singlet. 

When he'd told me to get changed, I wasn't all that suspicious, because all I'd had to do was change from my boots into trainers. Apart from that, I was wearing tights and a shirt under my over coat. It was only when I got outside and saw him dressed in his gear that I kinda understood what he was getting at.

We were in Konoha Park, one of the only parks in the distance with a trail for bushwalkers and runners. They had three tracks that we could follow; the shortest took fifteen minutes to complete, and the longest, took around forty five minutes to complete. 

Guess which one Suigetsu chose?

"ARGH!" I yelled in frustration as I came to a halt at the foot of a long and steep staircase, on which Suigetsu was already half way up. He stopped and turned around, grinning like a madman.

"Aw, come on, [Name]!" he called, cupping his hands over his mouth. "If you lose me, you lose your ride home! It's only a few hundred stairs, you can do it!" I groaned and threw my head back, on the verge of breaking down. It'd already been forty minutes of running on even surfaces and slight hills- I'd made it this far, I wasn't going to let a stupid bunch of stairs get in the way of me and my ticket home.

"Son of a- UGHHHHHH!" With a final exasperated grunt, I leapt forward and began sprinting up the stairs, skipping them two at a time whilst trying to keep my breathing steady. Suigetsu laughed and began running again, calling out, "This is better than killing your brain cells, isn't it?!"

"NO!" Around three quarters of the way up I just gave up, holding onto the railing as I tried to pull myself up the remaining distance left. I saw Suigetsu reappear at the top of the staircase, looking down at me. I flipped him the bird, finally making it to the top, and fell to the ground with an almighty crash. My sunlight was blocked as Suigetsu stood over me, grinning. I swore at him and flipped the bird again, before groaning and shutting my eyes.

"I feel like I've lost all my fat," I sighed. "I miss Sasuke." I opened one eye to see Suigetsu with an eyebrow raised.


"Not saying that you're not good company, Suigetsu," I said hurriedly, sitting up. "I just miss having someone around to bully." Suigetsu chuckled and held out a hand to help me up.

"I understand," he said, nodding as I got to my feet. He nudged his head down the trail, saying, "The carpark's only five minutes down that way. You up for a race?" I groaned, but smiled nonetheless, covering my eyes.

"I know I'm going to lose, so why not?"

"I'll give you a head start. Ready?" Without a second glance backwards, I sprang into action, keeping the fence ahead as my anchor of where to stop.

"I'm coming now!" I squealed as I heard Suigetsu begin to run as well, urging my legs to work harder and faster so I could win at least one race against him-

"Ah, fuck!" I gasped with exhaustion as Suigetsu passed me in a split second to reach the fence first, making me stomp my feet in frustration as I reached it just after him.

"Want a rematch of the trail?" he teased, reaching out and ruffling my hair. I scowled and shook him away, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Never in a million years." Suigetsu chuckled.

"Next week Saturday, then?" I bit my lip, wondering if Sasuke had anything planned- I mean, we hadn't had a proper meet up in weeks, and- oh, wait. He had Sakura now. I was just "that best friend" now. It was time to move on with life.

I held out a hand to Suigetsu.

"Next Saturday!" 

It looked like it was time to start working out- I'd need to get a lot done if I stood any chance against Suigetsu.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | sasuke uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now