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2 days since that night. her and harry slept together, it felt completely unexpected. but she almost felt addicted to the new feeling. however, they had not really spoke since, as though she had been betrayed by him.

and now, on her way to the studio, her heart raced and her palms felt sweaty against the steering wheel, her grip weakening against it. arriving before the boys, she laid out all her things and helped kon to set up his camera's. in a way, she almost felt stressed. possibly one of the first times she has ever felt stressed during her job because usually it's something she enjoys, something that gives her many opportunities.

the boys arrived one by one, stood around chatting, only uttering 'hello' at her. as usual, harry arrived last, smiling at all the boys who offered him an awkward smile and walking over to daisy. "you alright?"

"erm," she looked at him confused, "i don't know, are you?" he hasn't spoke to her since he left her house and not once have they spoke about what happened between them that night. but in her mind, she really wanted to. she just wanted to be certain on where she stood with him, did he just use her like she was expecting? was it just in the moment? or did it mean something? because to her, it really did.

"erm, i dunno." he scratched at the back of his head, they both glanced over to the boys who stood in a group like a bunch of 13 year olds, staring and what felt like gossiping. harry turned back around, staring down at her with furrowed eyebrows as she shrugged her shoulders back at him.

throughout the shoot, harry was unfocused, acting slightly childish, but it was not anything new. usually the boys put up with harry's easily distracted ways, they just snap him back into reality or find it funny. however, today felt different. things felt tense, awkward, strange. for some time, he stood around on his phone, thinking that no one was ready to start filming the next section anyways. but all the boys stood around, staring at him. trying to get his attention. "harry, bro. what the fuck?"

"what?" he stuttered slightly looking up at jj from his phone, all of them ready to film again.

"are you ready or what?" he bit back at harry, rolling his eyes at him.

"erm, yeah?" he shoved his phone into his pocket, glancing over to daisy with wide eyes. once they had finished filming, it almost felt like a relief. like a weight had been lifted from everyone's shoulders. daisy knew instantly that the fans would recognise the strange behaviour in the video. harry stood in the corner, talking to vik, talking nonsense but slightly speaking louder than simon who was trying to discuss an idea for 'moresidemen'.

"harry will you just shut up for a minute? god." simon spat, startling harry and shocking daisy too as she stood to the side watching them all.

"erm, sorry." he looked at the rest of the boys, who stared at one another with wide eyes. "is there a problem or something?" he questioned as everyone stood in silence.

"nah mate." vik responded whilst everyone else completely ignored harry.

"right, it just seems like there is?" harry muttered. simon stared straight in his direction, huffing at the boy.

"why?" he rolled his eyes.

"well, i came in, no one said hi. barely any of you have spoke to be all day. most of you seem to be acting weird with me? it feels like something is off boys." he sighed, looking around at his friends. daisy stood a slight distance away, still being able to hear everything. "what could i have possibly done wrong?"

"nothing." simon turned away from the boy, clearly frustrated with him.

"why don't you just go back to daisy?" jj looked at harry, crossing his arms and gesturing his head towards the petite girl, causing her to give him a dirty look out of shock.

"what are you on about?" harry scoffed, he almost found it laughable.

"well it's just funny isn't it -" he was instantly cut off by simon.

"jide, leave it."

"no simon, i won't leave it. it's just funny harry, in a way i think we all could tell that simon had feelings for daisy and you kissed her behind his back. it's just a bit sly bro." jj raised his eyebrows at harry, all the other boys looking at each other with wide eyes. they were all very aware about daisy and harry getting with one another and it explained why they had been acting off all day. some more than others.

"she doesn't even like him back?" harry laughed slightly, "how is this my problem?" he turned back to daisy who stared at the group of boys with a puzzled face. she stormed over, her face red from anger.

"what is going on?" she mocked slightly, shaking her head at them all. "you're being pathetic." glancing up at simon and jj, she raised her eyebrows at them.

"you shouldn't have kissed harry either." jj cocked his head slightly at her.

"you don't know anything and besides, is this not something between me and simon? keep out of it." she sighed, turning away from the boy, trying her hardest not to get angry. "do you not all think it's home time?" she raised her voice slightly. in a way she almost felt like a teacher or a mother, trying to stop an argument between a young group of boys, when in fact she was the youngest out of them all. they all glanced at each other with wide eyes, quickly scurrying off. apart from harry. "did you get an uber here?"

"yeah." he responded, walking with her to pack her things.

"i'll give you a lift home." she smiled as he picked up her bag for her. the car journey to harry's was complete silence, only the radio playing between them.

"do you wanna come in?" he gestured to his house as they pulled into the drive.

"erm." she sat and thought for a minute, pondering as to whether this is a good idea.

"come on," he stepped out of the car, "come in." she sighed to herself, following him in to his house, absolutely dreading what could be said between these walls. she slowly walked through the house, sitting herself on the sofa, breathing in deeply. he sat down next to her, kicking off his shoes. "god, what was that all about?" he laughed softly.

"i don't know, but it's pissed me off a little." she rested back into the cushions of the sofa, folding her arms.

"me too, but how do they know we kissed?" he questioned.

"i told simon. guessing he's blurted it out to the rest of the boys."

"wh - why did you tell him?"

"no reason." she mumbled, turning her focus away from him to look around the rest of the room. not wanting to admit how she felt sparks when they first kissed or explain how she told simon she had fallen for harry.

"daisy?" she quickly turned her attention back to him, he sat up slightly to face her.

"mhm?" she remained pressed into the cushions.

"well, about the other night." pulling her body up slightly, she stared straight into his eyes, nodding. "honestly, i don't know what to say about it." he breathed in deeply, causing her to slump back down.

"oh, i don't either."

"but i don't regret it." she turned to face him again.

"you don't?"

"not one bit." she sighed in relief at his response. "but -"

"but what, harry?" she shot straight up to look at him.

"it's just that -" he stuttered slightly, "i just don't think i could settle down with anyone yet."

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