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the full moon

the full moon

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SEPTEMBER 11th 1975

"Congratulations team mate!" Marlene exclaimed in the locker room. James, Frank Longbottom, and Alexander Stretcher were Chasers. Marlene and Sirius obviously got the Beater spots. Richard Samuels is the Keeper and Catriona beat Christopher for the Seeker spot. Catriona smiled at her friend and they left to meet James and Sirius.

"Congratulations Seeker" Sirius said, high fiving Catriona.

"Thanks. Do you really think I'm good, or were you just being nice?" Catriona turned to ask James.

"You really have to stop doubting yourself." James said. "Besides, it wasn't all my decision" Catriona smiled at him and turned to meet Remus, Lily, and Peter.


OCTOBER 1st, 1975

After getting on the Quidditch team, Catriona has had a busy schedule. With the end of term only a few short months away, teachers were really starting to give a lot of work. A night rarely went by where she wasn't writing an essay. She mostly spent her night on her four-poster bed, studying. If she needed a change of scenery, she'd go to her favorite spot in the library, in the back by a window.

If James didn't schedule an early morning practice, then it was an evening one. It wasn't like she didn't like the morning ones, the crisp air was refreshing and all but Catriona loved sleep. The evening practices were fun, racing around with her best friends at sundown while James attempted to hold a normal practice. There practice she was heading to now want at the normal time, 2pm, and only for an hour. "Do you know why James is only having a one hour practice at this time?" Catriona asked Marlene as they got dressed.

"I don't really know why, but he does one like this every month," she explained. Cat and Marlene grabbed their brooms, and joined the rest of the team out on the pitch.


After practice, Catriona showered and decided to get in a few more minutes of studying before lunch. Once she entered the library, Catriona spotted Remus Lupin sitting on the back by her favorite window. "Hey Remus," she asked. Remus' head jerked up as if he was surprised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Do you mind if I join?"

"Oh-er-yeah if you'd like" he said, moving his chair over so she could sit.

"What are you working on?" Catriona asked, looking over at the stack of books infront of him.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 ~ (𝐣.𝐩)Where stories live. Discover now