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JAMES never left Cat's mind all the way to Diagonal Alley. She shouldn't have lashed out at him, he was only trying to keep her safe but her emotions have been hyper-sensitive since the war started.

Cat pushed everything into a little box in the back of her head and started down Knockturn Alley. She pulled her hood more over her head, making sure her identity was mostly hidden.

There was a small group of people in the alley Cat had saw Wormtail and Snape. Cat came up to the back of the group and fit right in. There was a tall, lanky woman on her left, and on her right was a short stubby man. All the sudden the man whispered, "It's finally happening. This is really happening."

Cat could've sworn she heard him before, but the mans figure was unnoticeable from a quick glance. "Can you believe this?" he asked. Cat suddenly realized he was talking to her and glanced over at him.

His unnoticeable form was suddenly very noticeable. "Yes, Peter. I can not believe this." Cat said. Wormtail jerked his head towards her so fast he was almost knocked off his feet.

"I- Um- Cat?" he stumbled out.

"Yes? Is there a problem? You didn't think you were the only spy in the whole order, did you?" Cat lied.

"I- Yes, actually I did. Out of everyone, though, you'd be the last I would've thought."

"Why is that?"

"Well, Sirius would be the obvious choice considering his family," Peter told her. "And, um, Remus could've joined the werewolves."

"And James? Why not him?"

"That's obvious. He'd do anything to protect you or the others. Even if that meant become a..." Peter said. Of course James would, he'd protect anyone who has said a nice thing to him. For some reason, that made Cat feel a pang of regret, or sadness, filling her heart.

"Oh, well, I guess I'm full of surprises," she told him. Peter took a minute before responding. Not with words, though. The smile that etched across Peter's face was the most sinister thing she's ever seen on him. At that moment, Cat realized, somewhere deep within, that no matter how hard anyone would try, Peter would never return to them. They lost him long ago.

The older man from earlier stepped out of the shadows. He gave a lazy look over the pathetic wannabe's in the crowd before turning and stalking off. Like a herd of animals, everyone followed him. There was no turning back now, Cat thought as she lifted her chin and followed the rest of the group.


The walk was unnecessarily long. They were wizards, for Godric's sake. Apparition would've been a much more sensible option. What would've been a three seconds trip turned to be a four hour walk. By the time a house came up on the horizon, night had long fallen.

The atmosphere was eerie upon walking to the house. It turned eerier when the manor name was visible. Malfoy Manor. The order had their suspicions about the Malfoy family being in bed with Voldemort. They were now confirmed suspicions.

The old man led them inside to a long table. The footfalls echoed off the high ceilings. There was no sign of Voldemort, only a few of his followers here and there. "The Dark Lord is out on a mission. You will wait. You will not wander above the ground floor. You will not leave. You will not cause trouble." And like that, the old man disappeared into the throng of people.

Cat took this as an invitation to wander the boundaries, gathering information on who has been lost to the dark side. The first person she came across, to no surprise, was Lucius Malfoy. "Catriona Mcgonagall is the last person I would've expected to show up today," he said. Cat internally rolled her eyes. She externally put on the fakest kind smile she could muster up.

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