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JULY 29th 1978

IT took over a month for James and Sirius to find the perfect place to live. Euphemia and Fleamont didn't want the four of them too far away from the house, due to the war. James and Sirius settled on a city only a ten minute Muggle car ride. Currently, Cat was being brought up at least 5 flights of stairs, blind folded. "James, are you sure I have to be blindfolded?" Cat asked after she almost tripped up the stairs.

"Yes, now stop complaining we are here," James told her. Cat heard a door swing open and she was led through. Through the blindfold, Cat could see the lights turn from the fluorescent white they were in the hallway, to a warm yellow once they entered the flat. "Ta-da!" James exclaimed.

Cat pulled the blindfold off and saw the large, open flat. To her right, was a maroon couch in front of a fireplace and a short table. "I had to keep some Gryffindor pride in here" James said when he saw Cat eyeing the couch. There were three big windows, they would let in natural light if it wasn't night.

To their left was the kitchen. It wasn't huge, but it was big enough for the two of them. There was a little opening in the wall where you could see into the living room from the kitchen. Straight ahead was a tiny hallway that had a door at the end.

The bedroom was like the rest of the flat, not too big but perfect for two people. There was another door Cat guessed was the bathroom. "Do you like it?" James asked.

"I love it."

"You don't think it's too small?"

"I think it's perfect," Cat said. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek.

As the two made their way back into the main area, the doorknob started to jiggle. James went into his pocket and slowly grabbed his wand. With a few more jiggles the door flung open, only to show Remus and Sirius. "Merlin," Cat breathed out. "You two almost gave us a heart attack."

"Sorry guys," Remus apologized. "This is nice." Cat and James took Remus and Sirius through the place, showing them every room.

"I'm a little hurt you went with this one and not the two bedroom. Where am I supposed to stay?" Sirius asked.

"In your own place, two floors up," James told him.

Just then, a misty blue weasel burst through the window. "A patronus?" Cat asked, confused.

The animal merged into a ball of blue and a voice unknown to Cat came out. "Sorry for the disruption, but the order is having its first meeting, how exciting! Your first meeting, it'll be easy-"

"Arthur, stay on track please," a woman's voice scolded.

"Right, sorry. Anyway, a piece of paper should be flooing to you now." The mist dissolved and an envelope shot out of the fireplace.

"Who was that?" Cat asked the boys.

"Arthur Weasley, one of the Order members. He left Hogwarts during our second year," James answered. He opened the paper and the group of four flooed to the meeting.


Cat was the last to come out of the fireplace. They were alone in a dingy basement looking room. There was one candle lit in the corner on a dusty table, the only other light was peeking out from under a door across the room. There were muffled voices coming from the room. Sirius and James looked at each other like it was Christmas morning. Cat looked over at Remus but he was just looking at the other two with a mix of admiration and anticipation. Apparently Cat was the only one who seemed weary of fighting a war at 18. "Are we going in or just standing here?" Remus asked.

"Let's go," Sirius said. Him and James started for the door, closely followed by Cat and Remus.

When they opened the door ten wands were pointed on them. "Wands down, everyone," Dumbledore said, looking expectantly at the four. "Do you happen to know where Mr. Pettigrew is?"

"No, sir," Sirius said.

"He wasn't with us. We haven't seen him since last week, actually," Cat told him.

"Interesting." Dumbledore stroked his beard in a thinking manner. "Well anyways, welcome. We haven't started just yet so I'll let you become acquainted with some of these brave people."

Cat recognized some people. Like Lily, Rachel, Marlene, an Auror named Moody and another named Kingsley, and lastly, her mother and Dumbledore. There were two boys who looked almost identical, the only difference was their hair length. There was another couple, each with a baby on their hips. "Cat!" Cat turned her head and saw Marlene, Lily, and Rachel walking towards her.

She gave them all quick hugs. "Weren't you supposed to be at a university?" she asked Marlene.

"Yeah, until I heard about the war. I can't let the wizarding world go to shit, can I?" Marlene answered.

"Cat come here," James called over.

"Well we will let you meet everyone else," Rachel said. Cat walked over to James where he was talking to the twins.

"This is Fabian and Gideon Prewett."

"Fabian," the one with shorter hair said.

"Gideon," the one with hair about as long as Sirius' said.

"Cat," she introduced.

"Mcgonagall's daughter, correct?" Gideon asked.

Before she could answer, her mother started talking above everyone. "Excuse me, if everyone could listen, we will start the meeting." The room went silent. "Thank you. In light of recent tragedies, everyone will now be assigned assignments with partners. Voldemort and his ranks have been getting stronger and bigger by the day."

"That is correct, and for that reason we are going to keep meetings short and get right to assigning assignments. James and Lily, you two will go with Moody to inspect a location where Muggles were recently murdered," Dumbledore said. "Marlene, Gideon, and Rachel, you two will be trailing Abraxus Malfoy, he is expected to be working for the Dark Lord. Fabian and Cat, you will be stalking Knockturn alley for any suspicious activity. And lastly, Molly and Arthur, you two are off for this time."

And that was the end of the meeting. The groups left and Cat and Fabian were off to sit in a cafe, looking into a dark alley


Cat didn't get back to their flat until late. It was nearly 3 in the morning before Fabian thought they were waiting for long enough. Cat fumbled with her keys, being exhausted and all, and stumbled inside. She had expected James to be long asleep by now. Instead, Cat found him pacing the length of the apartment. "Cat," he said once he saw her enter, sounding relieved.

"I thought you'd be asleep," she told him.

"Nope, not until you got back," he said, with a smile. The two of them talked about their assignments on the couch until Cat eventually drifted off into sleep.


[ a short boring chapter for today but the next one should be longer and a lot more'll be the official start of the drama:))))]

[thanks for reading and dont forget to vote]

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