Prologue -Chapter 1

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Important Note:

I am Re-Editing the first couple of chapters of this fic, I didn't have a beta reader and I missed a lot of spelling mistakes.  I was hoping to avoid updating here because it would remove all of the comments on this chapter!  But I wanted to make sure to have the best reading experience for you guys. 

I'll leave the later chapters as they are so you can still enjoy the chaotic comments, but if you want to see all the chapters edited you can find it on ao3 or   And you can always make more comments here!  

Chapter Re-Edited 3/21/2024


An alarm blared through the night. The swishing of blades from the helicopters could be heard overhead as they hovered above the base. A loud voice cracked through the speakers. "All personnel, the evacuation order has been confirmed. Proceed to your designated vehicles for our assisted evacuation. This is not a drill." People are pushing out of the building, darting in and out between other people and personnel trying not to get trampled as they get to their cars safely. "Emergency personnel please proceed to your designated vehicles." The voice calmly repeated.

One of the helicopters in the air slowly descends to the helicopter pad spinning its tail around. The door slides open and a woman wearing A navy blue suit steps out followed by a man with a black eye patch who was clad in all black. They both walk up to a man in a suit who had been waiting for them to arrive next to where the helicopter landed. "How bad is it?" The man with an eye patch asked, having to yell over the sound of the blades spinning on the helicopter and the alarm blaring below.

The suited man pulls off his sunglasses and faces them. "That's the problem, sir. We don't know." He turned around and started walking towards the building. "We should continue talking inside." He motions for the others to follow him into the building without looking back behind him. The moment they were out of possible civilian earshot the man continued.

"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the tesseract four hours ago."

Fury raised his eyebrow slightly. "NASA didn't authorize Selvig to go past the test phase."

"He wasn't testing it; he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous event." The man explained. Dodging in and out between the scientists who were scrambling to retrieve as much of their research as they could before evacuating.

The woman leaned forward slightly, putting herself more into their conversation. "It just turned itself on?" She questioned.

"-Where are the energy levels now?" Fury butted in, not managing Agent Hill's question.

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down we ordered the evacuation." He explained as they walked without changing their pace.

"How long will it take to get everyone out?"

"We should be clear in the next half hour sir."

"Do better," Fury stated dryly. The agent nodded and turned around to walk in the other direction while the other two continued on.

"Sir." The girl chipped in. "Evacuation may be futile. If we can't control the tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance." Her voice was calm and collected for the severity of the situation before them

"I need you to make sure that the phase two prototypes are all shipped out."

The girl raised her eyebrow. "Sir, is that really a priority right now, there are still people-"

Nick spins around to face her. "-Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on." He turns back around and continues to walk. "Clear out the tech below. Every piece of phase two on a truck and gone."

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