Chapter 5

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Danny chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, as he looked around the room at some of the surprised and confused faces. "Uh, yes I am a ghost. I just thought you knew." He gestures behind him at the agents holding their weapons tightly. "I figured with how much these guys were freaking out about me, they would have told you."

Steve looked back and forth between the agents and Danny and raised an eyebrow. "Why would the agents be so scared?" He asked skeptically.

Danny looked back as the agents eased their grips on their weapons to try to prove that they were not scared. Nick spoke up. "It is just a precaution, Phantom could be really dangerous if he wants to be."

Thor thought for a second. "You are a draugr, dead warrior come back to life."

"Umm, I think so." Danny knew little about Asgardians, but he had met a few of them in the ghost zone, one likes to hang out just a little past the far frozen. Danny was good friends with him actually. He snapped his mind back and continued to answer the man. "I wasn't really a warrior before I died." He chuckled nervously and looked around the room with still confused and slightly put off faces. "It's not like I am haunting anybody or anything. I am here to help you guys with your problem and then go home." Danny sighed, "As much as I would like to be questioned on my existence for the rest of my afterlife, I thought we were going to go look at that staff thing."

Cap and Banner, shook their heads slightly as if they were trying to get their minds back on the mission at hand. They stood up quickly and started to head down the hall to where the staff was held.

Tony looked back at Danny again, who seemed slightly saddened. And now for sure Tony knew where he recognized the boy from, some people tried to contact him and his company about creating some kind of ghost weapons to fight off the new threat. The ghost's photo was in that file! But Tony just brushed the whole thing off as a hoax and never truly looked into it. But now maybe he should look more into this ghost thing.


Cap was sitting there thinking to himself while Banner was running some tests on Loki's scepter. He would be of little use in the experimentation of the staff so he might as well mull over what had just happened during the meeting.

If Danny was a ghost, that means he must have died, and he looks so young he must have died when he was just a kid. Poor guy. But why were the agents so scared of him, Steve felt slightly different and surprised when he discovered, but the kid seemed nice...

Danny walked over to the staff and was placed on a stand so it laid just above the table, he just stared down at it with slightly narrowed eyes. Something was off, like he recognized this sort of power... That was it. It reminded him a little of the ring of rage and crown of fire! He was only around those two ghostly artifacts for a little bit of time, during his battle with Pariah, But you could feel the power pulsing off of them, the raw energy.

It was like the staff. And Danny assumed it was the same for the tesseract thing they were talking about and searching for. They said it was similar to what they gathered with their tests on ectoplasm, even if they couldn't get much of it. But that must mean that both of the weapons that were once in possession of Loki probably could hurt ghosts, or at least do something to them.

"Found it." Tony called out Breaking both Danny's and Cap's trains of thought. There was a light smile on Stark's face as he pressed a couple icons on the computer screen. Danny stopped what looked like a staredown with the staff, and turned his attention to the man who started to walk around to the middle of the room.

Cap walks over from the corner. "What did you find?" He questioned.

Tony points his pen over at Danny. "Him, I knew I had a file on him."

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